Stochastic Processes – Stochastic Integration by Parts of Geometric Brownian Motion


My objective is to calculate the integral of a geometric brownian motion $Y=e^{\alpha t+\beta W_t}$, i.e. $$\int_{0}^T e^{\alpha s+\beta W_s}ds$$
and to characterize the moments of resulting random variable. If I make the transformation $g_t=x_ty_t$ with $x_t=e^{\alpha t}$ and $y_t=e^{\beta W_t}$ (where $\alpha,\beta>0$) and consider Ito integration by part, i.e.

I end up with:
e^{\alpha T+\beta W_T} &=& 1+\int_{0}^T x_tdy+\int_{0}^T y_tdx_t+\int_{0}^Tdx_tdy_t\\
&=& 1+\int_{0}^T e^{\alpha s}e^{\beta W_s} \beta W_s dW_s +\int_{0}^T \alpha e^{\alpha s}e^{\beta W_s} ds+\int_{0}^T \alpha\beta e^{\alpha s}e^{\beta W_s}ds dW_t

Here, I made use of $dx_t=\alpha x_tdt$, $dy_t=\beta y_t dW_t$ and $W_0=0$. After rearranging I get:
\alpha \int_{0}^T e^{\alpha s}e^{\beta W_s} ds &=& e^{\alpha T+\beta W_T}-1-\beta e^{\alpha s}\int_{0}^T e^{\beta W_s} W_s dW_s -\int_{0}^T \alpha\beta e^{\alpha s}e^{\beta W_s}dsdW_t

Now I am stuck since I do not know how to cope with the last two integrals. Any help and hints are very much appreciated and many thanks in advance.

Best Answer

You can't go any further than $\int e^{B_{t}+at}dt$. This is called the integrated Geometric Brownian motion. For references on its law see

Let $B$ stand for one-dimensional standard Brownian motion starting at $0$, and define the 'integral-exponential functional' of Brownian motion to be $$ A_t^{(\mu)} = \int_0^te^{2\mu\tau + 2B_\tau} d\tau, \quad t \ge0, \mu \in \mathbb{R}. \tag{1.1} $$ The main goal of this paper is to derive a new expression for the probability density function of $A_t^{(\mu)}$. Some expressions have previously been obtained for this density. Yor (1992a, Proposition 2) states that $$ \begin{align} P(A_t^{(\mu)} \in du \mid B_t + \mu t = x) &= a_t(x,u) d u \\ &= \frac{\sqrt{2 \pi t}}{u} \exp\left( \frac{x^2}{2t} - \frac{1}{2u} (1 + e^{2x})\right) \theta _ {e^x / u} (t) du, \tag{1.2} \end{align} $$ where $$ \theta_r(t) = \frac{r}{\sqrt{2 \pi^3 t}} \exp \left( \frac{\pi^2}{2t} \right) \int_0^\infty \exp \left( - \frac{y^2}{2t} \right) \exp (-r \cosh y) (\sinh y) \sin \left( \frac{\pi y}{t} \right) dy. $$

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