Stereographic Projection: Cartography Applications


Compared to the Mercator's, which is also conformal, how does the Stereographic projection help in areas such as navigation? Or any application besides simply mapping polar areas, although I would prefer answers on the polar aspect.

Additionally, from Wikipedia:

"When the projection is centered at the Earth's north or south pole, it has additional desirable properties: It sends meridians to rays emanating from the origin and parallels to circles centered at the origin".

Why are these desirable qualities? How would it benefit one in any hypothetical situation?

This may not be strictly math related, but any ideas where the stereographic projections' properties could be utilized to solve a problem would still be appreciated.

Edit: Any suitable scenario where its properties can be of use would suffice, it can be very bizarre, but I would prefer it to be related to navigation or locations on Earth.

Best Answer

You consider stereographic projection from North pole.

But I would like to stress the fact that, when the center of projection is done from a point $E$ on the equator, the following pattern is generated:

enter image description here

(Figure taken from this article) explaining the following kind of map where meridians and parallels are "rendered" as two families of orthogonal circles:

enter image description here

with the advantage of minimal deformations along the equator (Figure taken from Oxford Advanced Atlas 1936). This technique had been already used by Mercator in this wonderful map:

enter image description here

(a testimony of the fact that Mercator was mastering other projections than the one he is famous for).

An interesting article about stereographic projection, its history and an application to another scientific field (geology) can be found here

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