Stable homotopy groups commute with inverse limit


Suppose we have a family of spectra $(E_i)_{i \in I}$ such that the inverse limit $\lim_i E_i$ does exist in the stable homotopy category (i.e. $\lim_i E_i$ is the limit in $\mathrm{SHC}$, the stable homotopy category). I want to show that $\pi_n(\lim_i E_i) \cong \lim_i \pi_n(E_i)$ for $n \in \mathbb{N}$. My proof is as follows:
It is $\pi_n(E) = [\Sigma^n \mathbb{S}, E]$ for a spectrum $E$, where $\mathbb{S}$ is the sphere spectrum, and $[-, -]$ are the morphism sets in the stable homotopy category. We know that the Hom-functor commutes with inverse limits in the second variable. It is now \begin{align*} \pi_n(\lim_i E_i) = [\Sigma^n \mathbb{S}, \lim_i E_i] = \mathrm{Hom}_{\mathrm{SHC}}(\Sigma^n \mathbb{S}, \lim_i E_i ) \cong \lim_i \mathrm{Hom}_{\mathrm{SHC}}(\Sigma^n, E_i) = \lim_i [\Sigma^n \mathbb{S}, E_i] = \lim_i \pi_n(E_i). \end{align*}
Is this proof correct? It seems a bit too easy for me, especially since the ordinary limits dont commute with the homotopy groups.

Best Answer

Limits tend not to exist in the stable homotopy category, just weak limits: the difference is that the universal property of a limit is that a particular map exists and is unique, whereas in a weak limit, you just know that the particular map exists. If we write $E$ for a weak limit of the inverse system $\{E_i\}$, then for any $Y$, the map $[Y, E] \to \varprojlim [Y, E_i]$ is surjective, but it may not be injective: Hom doesn't automatically convert a weak limit to a limit. For example given the inverse system $$ \dots \to E_2 \to E_1 \to E_0, $$ there is a Milnor exact sequence $$ 0 \to \lim{}^1 [Y, E_i] \to [Y, E] \to \lim [Y, E_i] \to 0. $$

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