Splitting the Taylor series of $e^x$ into different residues $\operatorname{mod} n$

calculusexponential functionhyperbolic-functionstaylor expansion

By splitting the Taylor series of an exponential $e^x$ into even and odd terms we obtain the hyperbolic trigonometric functions, $\cosh$ and $\sinh$, as discussed e.g. here.

What about splitting the series in different ways? In particular, we can think of the even-odd splitting as separating the indices in the different cosets of $\mathbb Z_2$. What if we do the same for other $\mathbb Z_n$?

For example, for $\mathbb Z_3$ we split into terms of the form $3n,3n+1, 3n+2$:
$$e^x=\sum_{n=0}^\infty \frac{x^{3n}}{(3n)!} + \sum_{n=0}^\infty \frac{x^{3n+1}}{(3n+1)!} + \sum_{n=0}^\infty \frac{x^{3n+2}}{(3n+2)!}.$$
Do the corresponding terms correspond to well-known functions? Are there geometrical interpretations similar to the ones for the hyperbolic functions?

To be clear, I'm asking about possible interpretations/formulae for the general $n$ case, the $\mathbb Z_3$ was just an example to clarify what I meant.

Best Answer

You're referring to a multisection of a series. In your case, where you split it up into three functions $E_0(x),E_1(x),E_2(x)$, you get the system: $$ \begin{cases} E_0(x)+E_1(x) + E_2(x) = e^x\\ E_0(0)=1;\qquad E_0'(0)=0\\ E_0'(x) = E_1(x);\qquad E_1'(x)= E_2(x);\qquad E_2'(x)=E_0(x) \end{cases} $$In this case, you get $E_0(x) = \frac{1}{3}\left(e^x+2 e^{-x/2}\cos\left(\frac{\sqrt{3}}{2} x\right)\right)$.

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