Spivak calculus chapter 19 problem 34.


Spivak's Calculus. 3rd edition. Chapter 19, problem 34. enter image description here

And in the Answer Book the solution on $b)$ was given:

![enter image description here

My question:
Even the question on $b)$ came to me weird. The author says that we have prove that:$$\int_a^b f(x)\phi(x) dx=\phi(a) \int_a^\xi f(x) dx$$ But given formula: $$\int_a^b f(x)\phi(x) dx=\phi(a) \int_a^\xi f(x) dx +\phi(b)\int_\xi^b f(x)$$ Meanwhile the result is true when $\phi(b)=0$ We immediately get $$\int_a^b f(x)\phi(x) dx=\phi(a) \int_a^\xi f(x) dx$$Why we need so complex solution???

I am not native english speaker maybe I cant understand clearly the text.

Thank you in advance.

Best Answer

The question has been broken into steps to try and help clarify what the essential ingredients in proving the result are, but you don't have to follow them if they don't seem intuitive. The result you want to prove is that, for any function $\phi$ which is non-increasing or non-decreasing on $[a,b]$, given any continuous function $f$, there is a $\xi \in (a,b)$ (depending on $f$) such that $$ \tag{$\dagger$} \int_a^b f(t)\phi(t)\mathrm{d}t = \phi(a).\int_a^{\xi} f(t)\phi(t)\mathrm{d}t + \phi(b).\int_{\xi}^b f(t)\phi(t)\mathrm{d}t $$

Part a) claims that knowing the result for nondecreasing $\phi$ implies the result for nonincreasing $\phi$, but it is also fine to try to prove it for one or the other, to begin with.

Similarly, the assumption that $\phi(b)=0$ makes some calculations easier, and therefore Spivak asks you to think about why the result for $\phi$ satisfying $\phi(b)=0$ implies the result for any nondecreasing $\phi$.

Thus parts (a) and (b) aim to reduce the general result to the special case where $\phi$ is nonincreasing and $\phi(b)=0$, and the condition that $\phi(b)=0$ means that the expression on the right-hand side of our desired identity becomes $$ \phi(a).\int_{a}^{\xi} f(t)\phi(t)\mathrm{d}t. $$ I think part of your confusion was the direction of the implication Spivak wants you to show -- if you know the existence of $\xi$ for any $\phi$ then it certainly gives you a suitable $\xi$ for a $\phi$ satisfying $\phi(b)=0$, but what you are asked to do is to show that, if you can prove there is a $\xi$ for which $\int_a^b f(t)\phi(t)\mathrm{d}t = \phi(a)\int_{a}^{\xi}f(t)\phi(t)\mathrm{d}t$ if $\phi$ is nonincreasing and $\phi(b)=0$, can you deduce the existence of $\xi$ satisfying $(\dagger)$ for an arbitrary nonincreasing $\phi$?

To give a hint for how to show part (b), for example, consider separately what happens to the lefthand side and right-hand side of $(\dagger)$ when you replace $\phi(t)$ with $\phi(t)+C$ for any $C\in \mathbb R$.