Spherical curve with constant torsion.


Let $\alpha :I\rightarrow \mathbb{R}^3$ be a spherical curve, regular, with $\alpha ''(s)\neq 0$ and with constant torsion $\tau_0$. Let $r=\frac{1}{k}$ where $k$ is the curvature of $\alpha$. Show that $r''=-\tau_0^2r$.

What I have tried to do is this: derivating (several times) the expression $<\alpha(s)-p,\alpha(s)-p>=a^2$, where $p$ is the centre of the sphere that containd the curve and $a$ is its radius. However, I haven't been able to reach a conclusion.

Any tips?

Best Answer

Let's denote the Frenet frame of $\alpha$ by $\{T,N,B\}$. As you say, let's differentiate the equality $$ (\alpha-p)\cdot(\alpha-p)=a^{2}, $$ which gives $$ T\cdot\alpha=0.\tag{1} $$ Differentiating once more and using the Frenet equations, we get $$ kN\cdot\alpha+1=0 \Rightarrow r=\frac{1}{k}=-N\cdot\alpha.\tag{2} $$ Then $$ r'=-N'\cdot\alpha-N\cdot T=(kT-\tau_{0}B)\cdot\alpha=-\tau_{0}B\cdot\alpha, $$ using (1) in the last equality. Differentiate once more: $$ r''=-\tau_{0}(-\tau_{0}N\cdot\alpha+B\cdot T)=\tau_{0}^{2}N\cdot\alpha=-\tau_{0}^{2}r, $$ using (2) in the last equality.

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