Spectrum of unital, commutative C star algebra


According to the Wikipedia article on the Gelfand Represenetation (C* algebra section), the spectrum of a commutative C* algebra $A$ (the non-zero *homomorphisms $\phi : A \rightarrow \mathbb{C}$)

i)is a locally compact Hausdorff space.

ii) and if $A$ is additionally unital (has an identity multiplicative element), the spectrum is compact.

The Hausdorff part is easy to prove, though I have been struggling with the compactness. I would appreciate if anyone can direct me to a proof of these statements.

I am pretty sure that it has to do with the fact that the spectrum space $\Phi$ is endowed with the weak* topology, and I think the elements of $\Phi$ (characters) are actually in $B_{A*}$. That is, you think of how the algebraic * homomorphisms are actually related to dual of A, since A is a Banach space. You can then se Banach Alaoglu- that $B_{A*}$ is weak-star compact.

However, I am struggling to see how to identify the spectrum with subsets of $A*$ that would allow me to exploit Banach Alaglu. I think it certainly isn't trivial, since A being unital changes the property from 'local compactness' to 'compactness' full stop.

Any links would be much appreciated.


In fact have just come across this post which does the local compactness part.

Best Answer

The characters are linear maps $A\to\mathbb C$. Being $*$-homomorphisms they are positive (since $\phi(a^*a)=|\phi(a)|^2\geq0$), so they are in $A^*$. Therefore one considers the weak$^*$ topology given by $A$.

Also from being $*$-homeomorphisms, you get that $\|\phi\|=1$ for all $\phi$. So they live in the closed unit ball of $A^*$, which is weak$^*$-compact by Banach-Alaoglu. Thus the closure of the set of characters is compact.

When $A$ is unital, the set of characters is closed; so compact. This is easy to see: a limit of $*$-homomorphisms is a $*$-homomorphism. When $A$ is not unital, the set is not closed because $0$ is in the closure.