Spectrum of compact operators on infinite dimensional Banach spaces


Currently I'm self studying functional analysis, namely the spectrum of compact operators on infinite dimensional Banach spaces. In the text, the author gives the following proposition:

Proposition A: Let $T\colon X\to X$ be a compact operator and $X$ be an infinite dimensional Banach space. Then $T_\lambda:=T-\lambda\text{Id}$ is one-to-one if and only if it is onto.

I completely understand Proposition A. The author then gives the main theorem of this chapter:

Theorem 1: For any compact operator $T\colon X\to X$ in an infinite dimensional Banach space $X$ we have

The author does not give any proof, so I assume Proposition A must, in some sense, be the proof. So my question is, does my proof below work?

Proof. It's clear that $\sigma(T)\supseteq\{0\}\cup\sigma_p(T)$. Take $\lambda\in\sigma(T)\setminus\{0\}$. By definition this means $T_{\lambda}$ is not invertible. By Proposition A it follows that $T_{\lambda}$ is neither one-to-one or onto. Since it's not one-to-one, it follows that $\text{ker}T_{\lambda}\neq\{0\}$. Thus $\lambda\in\sigma_p(A)$, and so $\sigma(T)\setminus\{0\}\subseteq\sigma_p(T)\implies\sigma(T)\subseteq\{0\}\cup\sigma_p(T)$.

Best Answer

$0 \in \sigma (T)$ because a compact operator in an infinite dimensional space cannot be invertible. By definition $\sigma_p(T) \subset \sigma(T)$. So we only have to show that $\sigma(T) \subset \{0\} \cup \sigma_p(T)$. So take $\lambda \neq 0$ is the spectrum. Suppose it does not belong to $\sigma_p(T)$. Then $\lambda $ is not an eigen value so there is no non-zero vector $x$ with $Tx=\lambda x$. Thus $(T-\lambda I)x=0$ implies $x=0$. This means $T-\lambda I$ is one-to-one. By Proposition A it follows that $T-\lambda I$ is also onto. By Open Mapping Theorem it follows that $T-\lambda I$ has a bounded inverse. But this contradicts our assumption that $\lambda \in \sigma (T)$.