Spectral theorem for diagonal matrix in different inner product spaces

linear algebraorthogonalityspectral-theory

I learned a special case of the spectral theorem for finite dimensional inner product space. As I understand it states that a real matrix is orthogonally diagonalizable with real eigenvalues iff it equal its hermitian adjoint. However when I try to apply it to diagonal matrices, I think I have a problem. If I work with the regular inner product ($\langle u,v\rangle \to u^tv)$ then I see how this works out ($A^* = A^t = A$), but if I work in a more general inner product space: $\langle u,v\rangle = (Bu)^t(Bv)$ where $B$ is an invertiable matrix, then the hermitian adjoint of a matrix $A$ becomes $A^* = (B^tB)^{-1}A^t(B^tB)$, and this may not commute with $A$, if $A$ is some general diagonal matrix, for example let's define $A = \begin{pmatrix}1 & 0\\0 & -1\end{pmatrix}, B = \begin{pmatrix}1 & 1\\0 & 1\end{pmatrix}$. However we still have that for the identity matrix: $I^* = I$ so a diagonal matrix, is still orthogonally diagonalizable. How this doesn't contradict the spectral theorem?

Best Answer

Sorry for the confusion. Here is the real answer.

The true statement of the spectral theorem is that

$A$ is selfadjoint iff there exists an orthonormal basis where $A$ is real diagonal.

notice that having an orthonormal basis is way different than saying $A=QDQ^*$ where $D$ is real diagonal and $Q$ is orthogonal.

Instead, it means that $A=MDM^{-1}$ where the columns of $M$ are orthonormal, i.e. $<m_i,m_j>=\delta_{i,j}$.

In fact, the columns of the identity matrix $I$ do not form a orthonormal basis since $IB^TBI \ne I$ , or also said $<e_i,e_j> = (B^TB)_{i,j}\ne \delta_{i,j}$.

Hope that this makes it clear for you.