Specific numerical scheme does not converge

numerical methodsnumerical-calculusordinary differential equations

In my numerical analysis class we are studying numerical solutions to ODEs and we are looking at the equation $y'=-y$ and we want to test the explicit midpoint rule $y_{n+1}=y_{n-1}+2hf(y_n)$ where $f$ is the RHS of $y'=-y$. The initial condition is $y_0=1$ and we take stepsize $h=0.2$ and we want to apply the scheme on the interval $[0,20]$, and the index is interpreted as $y_n \approx y(t = nh)$. And we are asked to take $ y_1 = e^{-h} $. I tried coding the scheme in MATLAB but got the graph of something that oscillates after a certain point and does not look like the true solution at all, but in the smaller interval it does match $e^{-x}$. I have attached the figures below. Can someone please explain why this is happening? I thank all helpers.

enter image description here

enter image description here

Best Answer

On the name of the method

The method is not what is generally known as the explicit midpoint method. For $y'=f(y)$ that would be the one-step method $$ y_{n+1}=y_n+hf\Bigl(y_n+\tfrac12hf(y_n)\Bigr). $$ The method described in the question is a multi-step method, while it is also a generalization of the midpoint quadrature method, it is better known as central Euler or two-step Nyström method.

General shape of the leading error terms

Using the definitions and notations of Deriving the central Euler method and intuition, the leading order error terms can be written as $$ y_k-y(x_k)=h^2(a_k(x_k)+(-1)^kb(x_k)) $$ where the coefficient functions are solutions of the differential equations \begin{align} a'(x)&=f'(y(x))a(x)-\frac16y'''(x), & 0&=a(x_0)+b(x_0),\\ b'(x)&=-f'(y(x))b(x), & \frac{y_1-y(x_1)}{h^2}&=a(x_1)-b(x_1). \end{align}

Applied to the given example

For the test case $$ y'=f(y)=-y,~~ y(0)=1 \implies y(x)=e^{-x}, ~~y'''=-e^{-x}=-y $$ this results in \begin{align} a'(x)&=-a(x)+\frac16e^{-x}&\implies a(x)&=a(0)e^{-x}+\frac16xe^{-x}\\ b'(x)&=b(x)&\implies b(x)&=b(0)e^{x}. \end{align} As per the task $y_1=y(x_1)=e^{-h}$, so that the coefficients $a(0),b(0)$ are obtained by solving the linear system \begin{align} 0&=a(0)+b(0)\\ 0&=a(0)e^{-h}+\frac16he^{-h}-b(0)e^{h}\\[1em] \hline a(0)=-b(0)&=-\frac{he^{-h}}{12\cosh(h)} \end{align} This means that the oscillating part of the error grows like $\frac{h^3e^{-h}}{12\cosh(h)}e^x$, which for $h=0.2$ has at $x=20$ the numerical value $259603.7064$, which is in the magnitude range of your plot. More precisely, $$ y_k=e^{-x_k}+\frac{h^2}6x_ke^{-x_k}+\frac{h^3}{12\cosh(h)}(e^{-x_k}-(-1)^{k}e^{+x_k})+O(h^4). $$

Plotting the error coefficients

The error evolution on the initial segment $x\in [0,4]$ looks like the first plot in the figure below. The colored graphs are the errors $y_k-y(x_k)$ divided by $h^2$ for different sizes of $h$, while the thin lines are the curves $a(x)\pm b(x)$ that the error are expected to lie on or close-by. This they apparently do with only small deviations resulting from higher order error terms.

error profiles for different initializations

A completely different, direct but specialized approach

You could also directly solve the linear recursion $$ y_{n+1}=y_{n-1}-2hy_n $$ with its characteristic polynomial $$ 0=q^2+2hq-1=(q+h)^2-(1+h^2)\implies q=-h\pm\sqrt{1+h^2} $$ so that $$ y_n=(1+c)(\sqrt{1+h^2}-h)^n-c(-1)^n(\sqrt{1+h^2}+h)^n $$ $y_1=e^{-h}$ then gives $$ e^{-h}=\sqrt{1+h^2}-h+2c\sqrt{1+h^2} \\~\\\implies c=\frac{1-h+\frac12h^2-\frac16h^3+\frac1{24}h^4+O(h^5)+h-1-\frac12h^2+\frac18h^4+O(h^6)}{2\sqrt{1+h^2}} \\=-\frac{h^3(1-h)}{12}+O(h^5) $$ The first term goes to zero, the second term for $h=0.2$ and $n=100$ gives the value $$ \frac{h^3(1-h)}{12}(\sqrt{1+h^2}+h)^{n}\approx 2.2\cdot10^5 $$