Spanning forests of bipartite graphs and distinct row/column sums of binary matrices

adjacency matrixbipartite-graphscombinatoricsgraph theorymatrices

Let $F_{m,n}$ be the set of spanning forests on the complete bipartite graph $K_{m,n}$. Let $$S_{m,n} = \{(r(M), c(M)), M \in B_{m,n} \}$$ where $B_{m,n}$ is the set of $m \times n$ binary matrices and $r(M), c(M)$ are the vectors of row sums and column sums of $M$, respecitvely. That is, $S_{m,n}$ is the set of the distinct row-sum, column-sum pairs of binary matrices. (The term spanning forest here refers to a forest that spans all of the vertices of the given graph; it doesn't have to be a maximal acyclic subgraph.)

Q: Is it true that $|F_{m,n}| = |S_{m,n}|$? It is true for $m,n \leq 4$. For $m=n$ this is OEIS A297077.

There is an obvious mapping from $F_{m,n} \rightarrow B_{m,n}$ given by taking the reduced adjacency matrix, so if $U = \{u_1, \ldots, u_m\}$, $V = \{v_1, \ldots, v_m\}$ are the color categories we set $M_{ij} = 1$ if $v_i \sim u_j$ in a forest $F$, else $M_{ij} = 0$. However, this does not help because multiple forests may have the same row and column sums – and not every row-sum, column-sum pair is represented by a forest under this mapping.

The numbers $|F_{m,n}|$ are given here:

m\backslash n & 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 \\ \hline
1 & 2 & \\\hline
2 & 4 & 15 \\\hline
3 & 8 & 54 & 328 \\\hline
4 & 16 & 189 & 1856 & 16145 \\\hline
5 & 32 & 648 & 9984 & 129000 & 1475856 \\\hline\end{array}$$

For more see this answer (sum each row.)

Best Answer

I can prove the conjecture, although I can't give a bijection. I've left up a previous answer which does the case $m=3$, since it serves as an example of many of the ideas here.

Here is the key observation:

Theorem: There is a unique array $f(m,n)$, for $m$ and $n$ nonnegative integers, satisfying:

  1. $f(m,0) = f(0,n)=1$

  2. If we fix $m \geq 1$, then $f(m,n)$ is of the form $(m+1)^n p_m(n)$ where $p_m(x)$ is a polynomial of degree $\leq m-1$.

  3. If we fix $n \geq 1$, then $f(m,n)$ is of the form $(n+1)^m p_n(m)$ where $p_n(x)$ is a polynomial of degree $\leq n-1$.

Uniqueness: Let's suppose that we have already found unique values of $f(m,n)$ whenever $\min(m,n) < k$. In particular, we know the values of $f(k,x)$ and $f(x,k)$ for $0 \leq x \leq k-1$. This is enough values to uniquely determine a degree $k-1$ polynomial, so the values we already know determine the values of $f(k,x)$ and $f(x,k)$ for all $x$.

Existence: The proof of uniqueness gives an algorithm to compute $f$. The only potential issue is that $f(k,k)$ is determined twice, as a polynomial in its first variable and in its second variable. However, the algorithm is symmetric in $m$ and $n$, so the two interpolating polynomials coincide. $\square$

For example, we have $f(1,0) = 1 = 2^0 \cdot 1$ so we must have $p_1(n)=1$ and $f(1,n) = 2^n$. Similarly, $f(2,0)=1=2^0 \cdot 1$ and $f(2,1) = 4=3^1 \cdot (4/3)$, so we must have $p_2(n) = 1+n/3$ and $f(2,n) = 3^n(1+n/3) = 3^{n-1} (n+3)$. Using this algorithm, I computed $f(m,n)$ for $0 \leq m,n \leq 10$. Here is the data, and some Mathematica code, if you'd like to play with it.

f[m_, n_] := f[m, n] =
  If[m == 0 || n == 0, 1,
   If[m <= n, 
    (m + 1)^n * InterpolatingPolynomial[Table[{k, f[m, k]/(m + 1)^k}, {k, 0, m - 1}], x] /. x -> n,
    (n + 1)^m * InterpolatingPolynomial[Table[{k, f[k, n]/(n + 1)^k}, {k, 0, n - 1}], x] /. x -> m]]

Values of $f(m,n)$ for $0 \leq m,n \leq 10$.


So, we can prove the conjecture by showing that both $F_{m,n}$ and $S_{m,n}$ obey conditions 1, 2 and 3. For condition 1, we can just define $S_{m,0}$, $S_{0,n}$, $F_{m,0}$, and $F_{0,n}$ to be singletons (and I claim this is actually the most natural definition); then we just need to check that our verification of polynomiality goes all the way down to the zero case.

Since conditions 2 and 3 are symmetric, and the definitions of $F_{m,n}$ and $S_{m,n}$ are symmetric, we just check condition $2$.

Verification of condition 2 for forests: Let $A_{m,b}$ be the set of isomorphism classes of bicolored forests whose white vertices are labeled $\{1,2,\ldots,m \}$ and which have $b$ black vertices, each of degree $\geq 2$. We claim that $$|F_{m,n}| = \sum_b |A_{m,b}| n(n-1)(n-2) \cdots (n-b+1) (m+1)^{n-b} . \qquad (1) $$

Proof: Take a forest in $F_{m,n}$, with the $m$ vertices colored white and the $n$ vertices colored black. Delete all black vertices of degree $0$ and $1$ and forget the numbering of the remaining black vertices. This gives a forest in $A_{m,b}$. To undo this process, we first must take the $b$ black vertices and decide which of the $n$ vertices of $K_{m,n}$ they will be; there are $n(n-1)(n-2) \cdots (n-b+1)$ ways to do this. (We used that trees in $A_{m,b}$ have no automorphisms.) Then we must take the $n-b$ remaining black vertices and either join them to one of the $m$ white vertices or leave them unconnected; there $(m+1)^{n-b}$ ways to do this.

Formula (1) is clearly $(m+1)^n$ times a polynomial, it remains to check that the polynomial has degree at most $m-1$. We must check that $A_{m,b}$ is empty if $b \geq m$. Indeed, since every black vertex has degree at least $2$, a forest in $A_{m,b}$ has at least $2b$ edges. But, since it is a forest, it also has at most $m+b-1$ vertices. So $2b \leq m+b-1$ and $b \leq m-1$. $\square$

Verification of condition 2 for margins of $(0,1)$ matrices: Consider a vector $C = (C_1, \ldots, C_n) \in \{ 0,1,\ldots, m \}^n$ of columns sums, and consider how many row sums $(R_1, \ldots, R_m)$ are compatible with it. Let $c_j = \# \{ k : C_k = j \}$, so $c_0+c_1+\cdots + c_m=n$.

By the Gale-Ryser theorem, $(R_1, \ldots, R_m)$ is compatible with $(c_0, \cdots, c_m)$ if and only if $\sum R_i = \sum j c_j$ and, for all index sets $1 \leq i_1 < i_2 < \cdots < i_k \leq m$, we have $$R_{i_1} + R_{i_2} + \cdots + R_{i_k} \leq \sum_j \min(j,k) c_j . $$ This is the defining list of inequalities of the permutahedron, so this condition can alternately be stated as saying that $(R_1, \ldots, R_m)$ is in the convex hull of the $m!$ permutations of $(c_1+c_2+\cdots+c_m, c_2+\cdots + c_m, \cdots, c_{m-1}+c_m, c_m)$.

By Theorem 11.3 of Postnikov's Permutohedra, associahedra, and beyond, the number of such $(R_1, \ldots, R_m)$ is a polynomial $g_m(c_0,c_1, \ldots, c_m)$ in the $c_j$, of degree $m-1$. So $$|S_{m,n}| = \sum_{c_0+\cdots + c_m=n} \frac{n!}{c_0! c_1! \cdots c_m!} \ g_m(c_0,c_1, \ldots, c_m). \qquad (2)$$ Let $\partial_j$ be $\tfrac{\partial}{\partial x_j}$. There is some polynomial $h_m$ in the $\partial_j$, of degree $m-1$, such that $$\left. h_m(\partial_0, \ldots, \partial_m) \left( x_0^{c_0} \cdots x_m^{c_m} \right) \right|_{(1,1,\ldots,1)} = g_m(c_1, \ldots, c_m). \qquad (3)$$ Combining (2), (3) and the binomial expansion of $(x_0+x_1+\cdots+x_m)^n$, we obtain $$|S_{m,n}| = \left. h_m(\partial_0, \ldots, \partial_m) \left( x_0+x_1+\cdots+x_m \right)^n \right|_{(1,1,\ldots,1)} . \qquad (4) $$ Let $h_m(t,t,\ldots,t) = \sum_{k=0}^{m-1} h_{m,k} t^k$. Then $(4)$ is $\sum_{k=0}^{m-1} h_{m,k} n(n-1)(n-2) \cdots (n-k+1) (m+1)^{n-k}$, which is a polynomial of the desired form. $\square$

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