Some questions about Twistor Space of a closed $4$-manifold


Let $(M,g)$ be a closed Riemannian manifold of dimension $4$. We denote its twistor space, the space of almost complex structures on the tangent bundle $TM$ by $Z\xrightarrow{\pi}M$. At any point the fibre is isomorphic to $S^2$. Now this can be seen as $S(\Lambda_+^2M),$i.e., the sphere bundle of the self-dual two forms on $M$. Self dual means $*\omega=\omega$.

$1.$ I want to know how this description works; i.e., given a self dual two form at a point $m\in M,$ how do we get an almost complex structure on $T_m M?$

$2.$ Is it possible to induce a metric on $Z$ from $M$, if yes how?

$3.$ Once we put a metric on $Z$ and take the corresponding Levi-Civita connection we get a splitting of the tangent bundle in terms of horizontal and vertical vectors:
TZ=TV\oplus TH\cong TV\oplus \pi^*(TM)

Does this give a reduction of the structure group $SO(6)$ to $SO(4)\times SO(2)?$

Best Answer

  1. First, $\Lambda^2$ can be regarded as skew-adjoint endomorphisms of the tangent bundle. Then for any $J\in \Lambda^-$ at a given point $x\in M$, i.e. unit anti-self-dual 2-form, we have $$J^* = -J$$, and hence $$J^2 = -I$$, which gives a complex structure on $T_x M$.
  2. Yes. We have the Levi-Civita connection $\nabla$ on $TM$, which could induce connections on all its tensor bundles, i.e. $S TM$, $ST^*M$, $\Lambda TM$, $\Lambda T^*M$ etc.
  3. Yes, it's from your argument.
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