Some questions about Hermitian metric on complex manifold


Suppose $g$ is a Riemannian metric on a complex manifold $X$ compatible with the almost complex structure. $g$ can be extended to $TX\otimes\mathbb{C}$, which is a Hermitian inner product: $<\lambda v,\mu w>_c:=\lambda\bar{\mu}g(v,w)$.

Reference p.40-42.

My first question is if $g$ is not compatible with the almost complex structure, then if the extension is still Hermitian or what can we say about this extended inner product?

In contrast, on Ballmann's notes Ballmann's notes p.42, if $g$ is a compatible Riemannian metric on $M$ and $\omega$ is the associated Kahler form, then $h = g + i\omega$ is a Hermitian metric on $TM$. In this notes, the extended inner product is extended bi-linearly instead of sesquilinearly. Now what can we say about these two Hermitian extended inner products?

Best Answer

The answer to your first question is yes -- regardless of whether the metric $g$ is compatible with $J$, the section $H \in \Gamma(T^*X^{\otimes 2} \otimes \mathbb{C})$ defined by $H(\lambda v, \mu w):=\tfrac{1}{2}\lambda\overline{\mu}g(v,w)$ is a Hermitian metric. This is just because it is a smoothly varying Hermitian inner product on each fiber of $TX \otimes \mathbb{C}$. That having been said, $H$ will not necessarily play nicely with the holomorphic and antiholomorphic bundles, commonly denoted by $T^{1,0}X$ and $T^{0,1}X$. In fact, these two subbundles are $H$-orthogonal to one another if and only if $g$ is $J$-compatible. In the case that $g$ is not $J$-compatible, we will also no longer have the nice decomposition $H= g+i\omega$, which is the standard shorthand for the situation (indeed, there is no reason for the form define by $$(v+iJv,w+iJw) \mapsto g(v,w) + ig(Jv,w)$$ to be Hermitian if $g$ is not assumed to be compatible with $J$). We will, however, still have an analogous decomposition $H= \tilde{g} + i\tilde{\omega}$, where $$\tilde{g}(v,w):=\tfrac{1}{2}\big(g(v,w)+g(Jv,Jw)\big)$$ and $$\tilde{\omega}(v,w):=\tfrac{1}{2}\big(g(Jv,w)-g(v,Jw)\big).$$ As before, we have that $g=\tilde{g}$ and $\omega=\tilde{\omega}$ iff $g$ is compatible with $J$.

Please let me know if I can help clarify any of this. Differential geometry is rife with abuses of notation. Of course, as soon as one understands what is meant by the abusive notation, one happily adopts it. I am no exception =).

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