Some place from the proof of the Ito representation theorem


I have read Bernt Oksendal's "Stochastic Differential Equations", and I stuck at such moment from the proof of the Ito representation theorem on the page 52, so he says :

$$Y_t(\omega) = \exp\left\{\int_0^t h(s)dB_s(\omega) – \frac12\int_0^th^2(s)ds\right\};\ \ 0\le t \le T. $$
Then by Itô's formula
$$ dY_t = Y_t(h(t)dB_t – \frac12 h^2(t)dt) + \frac12Y_t(h(t)dB_t)^2 = Y_th(t)dB_t $$

I cant get it, how did he use Ito's formula (lemma) here? I tried to simply write down partial derivatives by $t$, $x$ and $x^2$ from Ito's formula, but I can't get $h(t)dB_t$ element. For $dB_s$ in integral I used such formulas as
$$\int_0^t f(s)dB_s = f(t) B_t – \int_0^t B_sdf_s $$

Also I used Leibniz integral rule but it didn't help.

So, I would really appreciate, if someone would painted steps of how we got output of this $dY_t$ derivative.

Best Answer

Just notice that $Y_t$ is given by $Y_t \equiv e^{Z_t}$ where $Z_t$ is a solution of the SDE

$$dZ_t = h(t)dB_t - \frac12 h^2(t) dt .\tag1$$

Hence you can apply Itô's lemma to $f(t,Z_t) := e^{Z_t}$ as follows :

$$\begin{align*}dY_t = df(t,Z_t) &= f_t (t,Z_t) dt + f_x(t,Z_t)dZ_t + \frac{1}{2}h(t)^2f_{xx}(t,Z_t)dt\\ &= 0 + e^{Z_t}dZ_t + \frac{1}{2}h(t)^2 e^{Z_t}dt \end{align*}$$

Now replace $e^{Z_t}$ by $Y_t$ and $dZ_t$ by its expression given in $(1)$ and conclude.

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