Solving the heat equation in spherical polars with nonhomogeneous boundary conditions

eigenfunctionsheat equationordinary differential equationspartial differential equationssturm-liouville

Trying to find the series solution of $r\rho''+2\rho'-\lambda r \rho = f$ with certain ICs & BCs. Question: what is wrong with solution strategy (numerical check does not confirm result).

My question:

What function describes the internal temperature change of a spherical body with some initial temperature profile when its surroundings is heated up?


  1. Set up equation governing heat transfer
  2. Put it into spherical polar coordinates
  3. Set up Initial & Boundary Conditions
  4. Obtain two separated equations using separation of variables, as
    here, in a different setup
  5. Obtain solutions for those: [THIS IS WHERE IT GOES WRONG]
    • Temporal one hopefully be a first order ODE, some exponential as solution
    • Spatial one probably will be more complicated, use: series solution
  6. Apply IC & BC to fix constants in the general solutions, get final result


  1. $\dot{u} = \alpha \Delta u$, $R \geq r \geq 0$, $R$ being the radius of
    the sphere, $t \geq 0$. Since we expect a spherically symmetric
    solution, $u=u(r,t)$. $u$ it does not depend on $\theta$ & $\phi$.
  2. $\dot{u} = \alpha \frac{1}{r^2} \frac{\partial}{\partial r}(r^2\frac{\partial u}{\partial r})$. Since
    $u$ is only a function of $r$ & $t$, we can ignore the $\theta$ & $\phi$ dependence of $\Delta$.
    • IC: $u(r \leq R,t=0) = f(r)$ (ie initial internal temperature of the spherical object)
    • BC: $u(r=R,t>0) = T_f$ (ie temperature of heated up surroundings
      , heating up taken as instantaneous)
  3. Let $u=T(t)\rho(r)$.
    Separated equations:

    • temporal: $T' = \lambda \alpha T$
    • spatial: $r\rho''+2\rho'-\lambda r \rho = 0$ (similarly to this & this)
  4. Solutions:
    • Temporal: $T(t)=Ae^{\lambda \alpha t}$
    • Spatial:
      let $\rho(r) = \sum_0^{\infty}c_n r^n$. (Not allowing negative powers because we would like to have a real solution at $r=0$ as well.) Substitute this in to the equation for $\rho$:
      $$r\sum_2^{\infty}n(n-1)c_nr^{n-2}+2\sum_1^{\infty}nc_nr^{n-1}-\lambda r\sum_0^{\infty}c_n r^n=0$$
      which is equal to:
      $$\sum_2^{\infty}n(n-1)c_nr^{n-1}+2\sum_1^{\infty}nc_nr^{n-1}-\lambda \sum_0^{\infty}c_n r^{n+1}=0$$
      In the first sum, change every $n$ to $n+2$ & lower the lower limit of summation by 2. In the second sum, change every $n$ to $n+1$ & lower the lower limit of summation by 1. Obtain:
      $$\sum_0^{\infty}(n+2)(n+1)c_{n+2}r^{n+1}+2(n+1)c_{n+1}r^{n}-\lambda c_{n}r^{n+1} = 0$$
      The above equation can only be true if it is true for each powers of $r$. Consider the $r^{n+1}$ terms: $$(n+2)(n+1)c_{n+2} – \lambda c_n = -2(n+2)c_{n+2}$$
      $$(n+4)(n+1)c_{n+2}=\lambda c_n$$
      $$(n+2)(n-1)c_n = \lambda c_{n-2}$$
      Obtain recurrence relation:
      $$c_n = \frac{\lambda c_{n-2}}{(n+2)(n-1)}$$
      To not to get into trouble with zero division, lets set $c_{-1}$ to $0$, rendering all $c_{n=odd}$ zero. We are free to choose $c_0$, determining all even coefficients.
      Let's plot this & check that we are right!
      Using $c_0=\lambda=1$, computed an approximation to $\rho$ using $c_n$s up to $n=100$. Also computed an approximation to $r\rho''+2\rho'-\lambda r \rho$, which should be zero. (Notebook available here, the code is also on the bottom of this post.)
      Unfortunately, it isn't:

(Note that this post has a very similar homogeneous equation to mine, but it doesn't use series solutions, but claims that this equation "integrates into" the solution.)

  1. We obtain: $u=T(t,A)\rho(c_0,r)$. Even if my $\rho$ function was
    correct, BC hardly seem satisfiably for general $f$ with these
    constants. Am I missing something? I recall in school (/uni) we
    solved the homogeneous case, when $f$ is $0$, obtained a general
    solution, then changed $f$ to something nonzero, found a particular
    solution, then added the general & the particular solutions. My plan for this:

    • Find orthonormal eigenfunctions $y_n$ & eigenvalues $\sigma_n$ for $Ly_n=\sigma_n y_n$, with $L = \frac{\partial^2}{\partial r^2}+\frac{2}{r}\frac{\partial}{\partial r}$

    • Fix $T(t=0)=1$, rewrite IC as $rL\rho=r(L\rho_g + L\rho_p) = rL\rho_p = f$, ie $L\rho_p=f/r$ where $\rho_g$ & $\rho_p$ are the general & particular solutions in the $u$, where $u=T(t)\rho(r)=T(t)(\rho_{general}(r)+\rho_{particular}(r))$, $u$ solving $\dot{u} = \alpha \Delta u$.

    • Let $\rho_p=\sum_0^{\infty}s_n y_n$

    • Since $$\langle L\rho_p | y_m \rangle = \langle L\sum_{n=0}^{\infty}s_n y_n | y_m \rangle = \langle \sum_{n=0}^{\infty}s_n L y_n | y_m \rangle = \langle \sum_{n=0}^{\infty}s_n \sigma_n y_n | y_m \rangle = s_n \sigma_n \langle \sum_{n=0}^{\infty}y_n | y_m \rangle = s_m \sigma_m
      \implies {s_m=\frac{\langle L\rho_p | y_m \rangle}{\sigma_m}},$$
      where $\langle f | g \rangle = \int_{all space} f g dV = \int_r=0^{\infty} \int_{\theta=0}^{2\pi} \int_{\phi=0}^{\pi} f(r, \phi, \theta) g(r, \theta, \phi) r^2 \sin(\phi) dr d\phi d\theta$. Therefore, I can compute all $s_n$s, therefore obtain $\rho_p$, giving me a $\rho=\rho_g+\rho_p$, with which I can satisfy the BC & IC: $\rho_g$ will satisfy BC, while $\rho_p$ will satisfy IC.


What goes wrong in the 5th step of the plan and is the outline for the last, 6th step is correct, or am I missing something?

The code (Notebook here)

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from tqdm import tqdm

def Cn(n, LAMBDA = LAMBDA, c1=c1):
    if n%2==1:
        return 0
    elif n==0:
        return 1
        return LAMBDA*Cn(n-2)/ ((n+2)*(n-1))

rs = np.arange(start, stop+step, step)

rho = [sum([Cn(n)*(r**n) for n in range(0,100+1)]) for r in tqdm(rs)]

def deriv(arr, dx=step):
    return np.gradient(arr, dx)

rhoderiv = deriv(rho)
rhoderivderiv = deriv(rhoderiv)

this_is_rather_be_zero = [r*rhoderivderiv[i] + 2*rhoderiv[i] - LAMBDA * r * rho[i] for i, r in enumerate(rs)]

plt.plot(rs, rho,c='k',label='rho')
plt.plot(rs, this_is_rather_be_zero,c='g',label='shouldBeZero')

Best Answer

Firstly I should apologise for being so careless in the comments. I sent us on a silly hunt for coefficients when you were right the first time. But your code did not implement it correctly (see bottom of answer).

In this answer I only deal with the solving of the ODE in step 5, and the issue of the plot showing that it doesn't solve the equation. It may be a good idea to streamline step 6 into a separate question.

From $$ r\rho''+2\rho'-\lambda r \rho = 0$$ Substituting in $\rho=\sum_0^\infty c_n r^n$ we get $$ r\sum_2^\infty n(n-1)c_n r^{n-2}+2\sum_1^\infty n c_nr^{n-1}-\lambda r \sum_0^\infty c_n r^n = 0$$ i.e. $$ \sum_2^\infty n(n-1)c_n r^{n-1}+2\sum_1^\infty n c_nr^{n-1}-\lambda \sum_0^\infty c_n r^{n+1} = 0$$ bumping indices by $\pm1$, and defining $c_{-1} := 0$, $$\sum_1^\infty (n+1)nc_{n+1} r^{n}+2\sum_0^\infty (n+1) c_{n+1}r^{n}-\lambda \sum_0^\infty c_{n-1} r^{n} = 0$$ Finally, we write $\sum_1^\infty (n+1)nc_{n+1} r^{n} = \sum_0^\infty n(n+1)c_{n+1} r^{n}$ and compare coefficients: $$(n+1)n c_{n+1} + 2(n+1) c_{n+1} - \lambda c_{n-1} = 0 $$ i.e. $$(n+1)(n+2) c_{n+1} - \lambda c_{n-1} = 0. $$ Given initial data $c_{-1}=0$, $c_0$ arbitrary we get $c_{\text{odd}}=0$, and setting $n=2k+1$, $$ c_{2(k+1)} = \frac{\lambda c_{2k}}{(2k+2)(2k+3)}$$ Staring hard/Wolfram|Alpha imforms me that the solution is $$ c_{2k} = \frac{\lambda^{k}c_0}{\Gamma(2k+2)}= \frac{\lambda^{k}c_0}{(2k+1)!}, $$ so if $\lambda>0$, $$\rho(r) = \sum_{k=0}^\infty \frac{\lambda^{k}c_0}{(2k+1)!}r^{2k}=c_0\sum_{k=0}^\infty\frac{(\sqrt{\lambda} r)^{2k}}{(2k+1)!}=\frac{c_0}{\sqrt {\lambda} r} \sinh(\sqrt\lambda r)$$

And this is indeed a solution. If $\lambda<0$ then a solution is $\frac1{\sqrt {-\lambda} r} \sin(\sqrt{-\lambda} r)$. If you allow solutions with $c_{-1}\neq 0$, you get also e.g. $\frac{c_0}{\sqrt {\lambda} r} \cosh(\sqrt\lambda r)$.

So what went wrong in the plot? You put in the formula for $c_n$ wrong. It should be

def Cn(n, LAMBDA = LAMBDA, c1=c1):
    if n%2==1:
        return 0
    elif n==0:
        return c1
        return LAMBDA*Cn(n-2)/ ((n+1)*(n))

instead of return LAMBDA*Cn(n-2)/ ((n+2)*(n-1)). This gives e.g. Cn(2) as 1/6 as it should, and the plot

enter image description here

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