Solving the cubic without complex numbers

cubicsreal numbersroots

I am trying to work out the resolution of the cubic equation without resorting to complex numbers at all.

The general equation can in all cases be reduced to the depressed form,


By a suitable scaling of the variable, this can be further reduced to

$$x^3-\frac34x-\frac r4=0$$ where $r>0$, or


Then depending on the magnitude of $r$, we write

$$4\cos^3t-3\cos t=\cos3t=r,$$ $$x=\cos\frac{\arccos(r)+2k\pi}3$$

$$4\cosh^3t-3\cosh t=\cosh3t=r,$$ $$x=\cosh\frac{\text{arcosh}(r)}3.$$

This correctly handles the cases of $1$ and $3$ real roots.

Unfortunately, the trick only works for $p<0$. How can I solve in a similar way when $p>0$ ?

Best Answer

When $p>0$, you can apply Cardano's formula. It will give you the only real root of your cubic. And the formula will not have to deal with complex non-real numbers.

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