Solving $ \frac57(y+3)=20 $. Why don’t we multiply out the brackets in this case


Hi guys i'm trying to understand this problem and i've tried multiple attempts to solve it but don't uderstand the fundamentals of what is happening here.

At first I started by trying to -3 from both sides but this didn't produce the answer so then I tried multiplying both sides by 7 but don't understand why we wouldnt multiply the brackets by 7?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Best Answer

Just like unpacking a crate, the last in is the first out. Someone took $y$ and added $3$. THEN they multiplied by $5/7.$ So when you're unpacking, you first deal with the $5/7$. Multiply by $7/5$ to get

$$\frac{7}{5}\cdot \frac{5}{7}(y+3) = \frac{7}{5}\cdot 20$$

$$y+3 = 28.$$

Now that you cleared out the $5/7$, the path is clear for unpacking the $3$. Subtract $3$ from both sides

$$y = 25.$$

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