Solving for $y” – 4y’ – 5y – 2 = 0$

ordinary differential equations

I am looking to solve for the above nonhomogeneous ODE. I know how to find the general solution for the reduced equation of the homogeneous form, that is, $$y'' – 4y' – 5y = 0.$$

The characteristic equation is $r^{2} – 4r – 5 = 0$, which gives two real and distinct roots $r=-1,5$.

So the complementary solution is $y_{c}=c_{1}e^{5x} + c_{2}e^{-x}$.

Now I am looking to guess the particular on the right-hand side but I am not sure about how to do that in order to find the general solution of the above nonhomogenous ODE.

Best Answer


If $y=-\frac25$ everywhere, then $y'=y''=0$.

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