Solving for $x$ in terms of $y$ for equations involving quadratics, logarithms, and exponentials.

algebra-precalculusexponential functionlogarithms

For the equation:

$$y^2 = \frac{\ln(1 – xe^{xy^2})}{1 – xe^{xy^2}}$$

How might one go about solving for $x$ in terms of $y$? First, I attempted solving the equation by first performing the subsitution $u = xe^{xy^2}$, which then reduces the problem to: $$\frac{\ln(\frac{u}{x})}{x} = \frac{\ln(1 – u)}{1-u}$$

Unfortunately, I could not find where to go from there. Secondly, I tried multiplying both sides of the initial equation by $1 – xe^{xy^2}$ to obtain:

$$y^2-xy^2e^{xy^2} = \ln(1 – xe^{xy^2})$$

From here, I could subtract $y^2$ from both sides and divide by -1 to get the equation in a form where the product logarithm could be applied, but unfortunately the right hand side would contain both $x$ and $y$. Exponentiating both sides with base $e$ only seems to make the problem more convoluted and messy than it already is. So how might I go about actually solving this equation for $x$?

Best Answer

Considering $$y^2 = \frac{\ln(1 - xe^{xy^2})}{1 - xe^{xy^2}}$$ we could start defining $$z=1 - xe^{xy^2}\implies y^2=\frac{\log(z)}z$$ Solving for $z$ $$z=-\frac{W\left(-y^2\right)}{y^2}$$ where $W(.)$ is Lambert function. So $$1 - xe^{xy^2}=-\frac{W\left(-y^2\right)}{y^2}$$ and, again, Lambert function $$x=\frac{W\left(y^2+W\left(-y^2\right)\right)}{y^2}$$

Do not ask me for $y(x)$, please !


Since you mention the product logarithm, I suppose that you can run Mathematica. If so,ask for the contour plot of $$f(x,y)=y^2 - \frac{\ln(1 - xe^{xy^2})}{1 - xe^{xy^2}}=0$$ for $-\frac{1}{\sqrt{e}} \leq y \leq \frac{1}{\sqrt{e}}$ and $-1000 \leq x \leq 0$.

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