Solving for x in logarithmic equation $\log_4(2x) = \frac{1}{2}x^2 – 1$


I am trying to solve for $x$ in the equation $\log_4(2x) = \frac{1}{2}x^2 – 1$. I have tried converting the logarithmic expression to exponential form, but I am not able to isolate $x$ in the resulting equation.

This is what I have tried as of now:

$$\log_4(2x) + \log_4(4) = \frac{1}{2}x^2$$

$$\log_4(8x) = \frac{1}{2}x^2$$

$$2\log_4(8x) = x^2$$

$$\log_4(64x^2) = x^2$$

$$64x^2 = 4^{x^2}$$

after which I am not too sure on how to find x

Best Answer

For your curiosity.

You want to find the zeros of function $$f(x)=\frac{x^2}{2}-\frac{\log (2 x)}{\log (4)}-1$$ By insepection $x=2$ is a root

The first derivative $$f'(x)=x-\frac{1}{x \log (4)}$$ cancels at $x=\frac{1}{\sqrt{\log (4)}}$ and the second derivative test shows that this is a maximum.

Since $x >0$, rewrite $$\log(2x)=\log(2)+\frac 12 \log(x^2)$$ and let $t=x^2$ to face $$g(t)=2t \log(2)-\log(t)-6\log(2)$$ Th only explicit solution involves Lambert function $$t=-\frac{1}{2 \log (2)}W\left(-\frac{\log (2)}{32}\right)$$ Since the argument is small, use the series expansion (it is given in the linked page) $$W(y)=y-y^2+\frac{3 y^3}{2}+O\left(y^4\right)$$ which will give $$t \sim \frac{1}{64}+\frac{\log (2)}{2048}+\frac{3 \log ^2(2)}{131072}=0.0159744 \quad \implies \quad x=0.126390$$ while the exact solution is $x=0.126392 $.