Solving an integer (boolean) constraint satisfaction problem

constraint-programminginteger programmingmixed-integer programmingnon-convex-optimizationoptimization

I have a 0-1 integer constraint satisfaction problem of the following form: find binary vectors $x = (x_1,\dots,x_m) \in \{0,1\}^m$ and $y = (y_1, \dots,y_n) \in \{0,1\}^n$ that satisfy the constraints

  1. $x_i \le \sum_{j,k} a_{ijk} x_j y_k\ $ for $i = 1,\dots,m$
  2. $x_i \ge a_{ijk} x_j y_k\ $ for $i = 1,\dots,m$, $j = 1,\dots,m$, $k = 1,\dots,n$
  3. $\sum_j b_{lj} x_i \ge c_l\ $ for $l = 1,\dots,p$

where $a_{ijk}$, $b_{lj}$ and $c_l$ are constants, known beforehand. The $a_{ijk}$ also take values in $\{0,1\}$, and most of their elements will be zero (they are sparse arrays). However, $b_{lj}$ and $c_l$ can be any positive integers.

Ideally I would want to find all vectors $x$ and $y$ that satisfy the constraints. Is this a known / well understood type of problem? Are there any known methods for solving it, ideally with a solver available?

Note: constraints 1 and 2 are derived from the corresponding boolean constraint
$$x_i = \bigvee_{j,k} a_{ijk} \land x_j \land y_k $$
interpreting the $0/1$ variables as booleans.

Best Answer

The problem you describe is a non-convex binary program. The non-convexity comes from the first and second set of constraints: In $x_i \le \sum_{j,k} a_{ijk} x_j y_k\ $ two decision variables $x_j$ and $y_k$ are multiplied by each other. This will make the problem very hard to solve for most solvers. However, there is a way to turn your problem into a convex problem.

The product of two binary variables $x$ and $y$ can be linearized by introducing a new variable $z$ with the additional constraints

$$z \le x$$ $$z \le y$$ $$z \ge x+y-1$$ $$0 \le z \le 1$$

Now, if $x$ or $y$ is zero, so is $z$. If both $x=y=1$, then $z=1$. Hence, $z=xy$.

We will apply this approach to your problem now. The first set of constraints contains the product $x_j y_k$. We will introduce a new variable $z_{jk}$ in the above fashion and replace your first set of constraints with

$$x_i \le \sum_{j,k} a_{ijk} z_{jk}$$ $$z_{jk} \le x_j$$ $$z_{jk} \le y_k$$ $$z_{jk} \ge x_j+y_k-1$$ $$0 \le z_{jk} \le 1$$

Doing the same for the second set of constraints will result in the overall problem formulation:

$$x_i \le \sum_{j,k} a_{ijk} z_{jk}$$ $$z_{jk} \le x_j$$ $$z_{jk} \le y_k$$ $$z_{jk} \ge x_j+y_k-1$$ $$0 \le z_{jk} \le 1$$

$$x_i \ge a_{ijk} z_{jk}\ $$ $$ \sum_j b_{lj} x_i \ge c_l\ $$

This formulation can now be plugged into any integer-programming solver. The introduction of the variables $z_{jk}$ has now increased the number of variables in the optimization problem but it turned the initial problem into a convex problem which makes it much easier to solve despite the higher amount of variables.

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