Solving a system of linear non-autonomous ODEs

ordinary differential equations

Consider the following system of linear differential equations in $y_1(t)$ and $y_2(t)$:


together with two boundary conditions, say $y_1(0)=y_1^*$ and $y_2(0)=y_2^*$.

If I am not mistaken, this is a system of linear, non-autonomous ordinary differential equations. I know how to solve this if the coefficients $a$ and $b$ are independent of time, and also how to solve a single non-autonomous ODE (so if $a_3=0$ or $b_2=0$). However, online and in my textbooks I cannot find how to solve the system of ODE's if the coefficients are time-varying.

Does anyone have an idea how to proceed, or references? Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

In general there is no "closed-form" solution. The homogeneous case ($a_1 = b_1 = 0$) can be written in terms of a "time-ordered exponential". Solutions of the non-homogeneous case can then be found as integrals involving the time-ordered exponential.

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