Solving a simple O.D.E using perturbation theory

ordinary differential equationsperturbation-theory

As a part of an H.W assignment, I'm requested to solve the following O.D.E using perturbation theory and compare to the analytical solution


where the solution of this equation is given by


Using perturbation theory I assume that

$$ y(t)=\sum_{i=0}^{\infty}y_i(t)\epsilon^i$$
by plugging in I obtain only term up to order of $O(\epsilon)$

$$\dot{y}_0+\epsilon \dot{y}_1 =y_0+\epsilon(y_1+1)$$


By plugging into $y(t)$ we obtain


and therefore the solution I get is


Can anyone point out why the solution in both cases is different, I've done this many times and can't figure out if this is a mistake using the perturbation method or something which is part of the problem.

Best Answer

You get $y_0(t)=A_0e^t$ and $y_1(t)=A_1e^t-1$. If you combine the solutions, you get $$ y(t)=y_0(t)+ϵy_1(t)=(A_0+ϵA_1)e^t-ϵ $$ The combination of the constants is just a new constant, so that this solution is already the exact solution.

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