Solving a second order non-homogeneous ODE

derivativesordinary differential equations

How do I solve the following non-homogeneous differential equation?

$$x^{2}y''+xy'=x^{2}\ln x$$ and $y(1)=2$, $y'(1)=0$.

I've started to solve the question in the following way,

Homogeneous equation is:


Let $x=e^{z}$ then $z=\log_e x=\ln x$

$$y'= \frac{dy}{dx} \quad\Rightarrow\quad \frac{dy}{dz}\frac{dz}{dx}\quad\Rightarrow\quad xy'=\frac{dy}{dz}=Du$$



Equation (2) becomes,
$${D(D-1)+D}y=0\quad\Rightarrow\quad (D^{2}-D+D)y=0\quad\Rightarrow \quad D^{2}y=0$$

Now I'm stuck for further process.

Best Answer

The transformed ODE is $D^2y=ze^{2z}$

For the solution of corresponding homogeneous equation the solution is $y_h=az+b=aIn(x)+b$ (Integrate $D^2y=0$ twice)

For the term $ze^{2z}$ in RHS, the particular solution is given as

$y_p= \frac {1}{D^2}ze^{2z}=\int\int ze^{2z}dz$ etc.

The general solution is $y(x)=y_h+y_p$. Can you proceed further?

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