Solving a non-linear Diophantine equation

diophantine equationsnumber theory

I'm having some problems solving this Diophantine equation so I'd really appreciate any small hints to guide me along:

Solve for $(x,y)$ over the integers in $y(x+y)=x^{3}-7x^{2}+11x-3$.

I'm first trying to get something out of the quadratic formula so I write:


$\frac{-x\pm\sqrt{x^{2}+4x^{3}-28x^{2}+44x-12}}{2}$ is an integer, so eventually $4x^{3}-27x^{2}+44x-12=A^{2}$, where $A$ is some integer, so $(A-x)(A+x)=x^{3}-7x^{2}+11x-3=y(x+y)$. I write this as another quadratic equation so $x^{2}+xy+y^{2}-A^{2}=0$ and $\frac{-y\pm\sqrt{y^{2}-4y^{2}+4A^{2}}}{2}$ is an integer. So $3y^{2}=4A^{2}-B^{2}$, where $B$ is some integer, well I do this another time for x and I get $3x^{2}=4A^{2}-C^{2}$, where $C$ is another integer. And this is where I'm not sure what to do.

Would be great if someone just gave me a small clue (please don't post the whole solution yet!). Thanks.

Best Answer

Here’s one way you might move forward with your approach.

You found that \begin{align} \tag{$\star$} 4x^3-27x^2+44x-12 &= (x-2)(4x^2-19x+6) \end{align} must be a square. Note that $$4x^2-19x+6 = (4x-11)(x-2)-16.$$ This can be handled in two cases: $x$ odd [in which case the absolute value of each factor on the right-hand side of $(\star)$ must be the square of an integer], and $x$ even [where the two factors have a common factor].

I hope that’s enough of a hint without solving the problem for you!