Solving a coupled system of first order homogeneous differential equations with variable coefficients

circlesordinary differential equationssystems of equations

Given the coupled system of first order homogeneous ordinary differential equations with variable coefficients.
\frac{dx}{dt} = a(t)z(t)

\frac{dz}{dt} = -a(t)x(t)

How is the general solution below derived?

x(t) = c_1 \cos\left(\int_1^t a(\tau) d\tau \right)+c_2 \sin\left(\int_1^t a(\tau) d\tau\right)

z(t) = -c_1 \sin\left(\int_1^t a(\tau) d\tau \right)+c_2 \cos\left(\int_1^t a(\tau) d\tau\right)

I thought it might be something like guessing the solution takes the form

x(t) = c_1 \cos\left(f(t)\right)+c_2 \sin\left(f(t)\right)

z(t) = \frac{1}{\left(\frac{df}{dt}\right)} \frac{dx}{dt} = -c_1 \sin\left(f(t)\right)+c_2 \cos\left(f(t)\right)

And $\frac{df}{dt} = a(t)$

But I imagine there is a general approach to this type of problem?

Best Answer

Hint Notice that $$\phantom{(\ast)} \qquad (x^2 + z^2)' = 2 x x' + 2 z z' = 2 x (az) + 2 (-ax) z = 0 , \qquad (\ast)$$ so $(x(t), z(t))$ traces out an arc of a circle, say of radius $R \geq 0$, centered at the origin in the $xz$-plane. Using the standard parameterization of that circle gives that $$x(t) = R \cos \theta(t), \qquad z(t) = R \sin \theta(t)$$ for some function $\theta(t)$.

Substituting our expressions in $\theta$ back in $(\ast)$ gives (provided that $R \neq 0$) that $$\theta' = -a,$$ hence $$\theta = -\int a \,dt$$