Solving $|2x-3|+7 \le 3x-3|x-7|$

absolute valuealgebra-precalculusinequality

I was trying to solve this inequality with two absolute values:
$$|2x-3|+7 \le 3x-3|x-7|$$
I've got an empty set of solutions, but it's not correct.

How I've tried to solve it:

I've put in a number line the signs (+ or -) to see what happens in three different cases:

first case:
if $x \le 3/2$, then both of them are negative, so I've rewritten the inequality (by changing the signs) as "$-(2x-3)+7 \le 3x+3x-21$".

if $3/2<x<7$, then the first absolute value is positive and the other one is negative "$2x-3+7 \le 3x+3x-21$".

if $x \ge 7$, then both of them are positive, so I simply canceled out the absolute values.

Now, I've found the solutions for each system of inequality, by putting them in a number line.

first system of inequalities:
$x<3/2, x<31/8$.

the set of solutions is "$x<3/2$".

second system of inequalities:
$3/2<x<7, x<25/4$.

the set of solutions is "$3/2<x<25/4$".

third system of inequalities:
$x>7, x<17/2$.

by putting on another number line these sets, the solution is an empty set of solution.

edit: Okay, thanks to the comment discussion, I've solved it. It was an error (because of distraction), the set of solution is "$25/4<x<17/2$"(not strict) the first system of inequalities has an empty set of solution. I think it is correct. let me know if it's an error.

If you know a fastest method to solve inequalities like this, let me know.

Best Answer

The fastest way for me is to write down LHS-RHS as a piecewise linear function.

$$f(x)=|2x-3|+7-3x+3|x-7|\\ =\begin{cases} 3-2x+7-3x+3(7-x)=31-8x, & x \leqslant \frac 32\\ 2x-3+7-3x+3(7-x)=25-4x, & \frac 32 \leqslant x \leqslant 7\\ 2x-3+7-3x+3(x-7)=2x-17, & x\geqslant 7 \end{cases}$$

Note that $f(\frac 32)=19, f(7)=-3$.

When $x \leqslant \frac 32, f$ is decreasing so $f(x)>0$;

When $\frac 32 \leqslant x \leqslant 7, 25-4x \leqslant 0 \implies x \geqslant \frac{25}{4};$

When $x \geqslant 7, 2x-17\leqslant 0 \implies x \leqslant \frac{17}{2}.$

Therefore $\frac{25}{4} \leqslant x \leqslant \frac{17}{2}. \blacksquare$