Solve $x^k \exp(-x)=a$ for $x$ and some inequalities


I am trying to characterize the set i
A_{a,k}=\{ x \ge 0: x^k \exp(-x) > a \}

in terms of inequaliti on $x$ where $a$ and $k$ are some give positive numbers. That is I am trying to find
A_{a,k}=\{ x \ge 0: g_1(a) \le x \le g_2(a) \}.

The function $x^k \exp(-x)$ has maximum at $x=\sqrt{k}$. So, we have to assume that $a \le k^{k/2}e^{-k}$ for the set to be non-empty.

To characterize $g_1$ and $g_2$ we would need to solve
x^k \exp(-x) = a

This should have to solution if $a$ is strictly less than $k^{k/2}e^{-k}$. However, I cannot find these.

WolframAlpha gives me a solution in terms of $W$ function
x= -k W \left(-\frac{a^{1/k}}{k} \right)

However, it doesn't give me the second solution.

Finally my question is: What are $g_1$ and $g_2$. ?

I think
g_1 = -k W_0 \left(-\frac{a^{1/k}}{k} \right)

where $W_0 $ is the zero branch

Best Answer

Expression \begin{align} x&= -k \operatorname{W} \left(-\frac{a^{1/k}}{k} \right) \end{align}

means two real solutions,

\begin{align} x_{0}&= -k \operatorname{W_0} \left(-\frac{a^{1/k}}{k} \right) ,\\ x_{-1}&= -k \operatorname{W_{-1}} \left(-\frac{a^{1/k}}{k} \right) \\ \text{for }\quad -\tfrac1k{a^{1/k}}\in(-\tfrac1{\mathrm{e}},0) , \end{align}

where $\operatorname{W_0},\operatorname{W_{-1}}$ are so-called two real branches of the Lambert W function.

In this case $x_0<x_{-1}$, since for the argument $z:\ -\tfrac1{\mathrm{e}}<z<0$,

\begin{align} \operatorname{W_{-1}(z)}&<-1<\operatorname{W_{0}(z)}<0 . \end{align}

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