Solve the system of equations: $ \sqrt{y^2 – 8x + 9} – \sqrt[3]{xy – 6x + 12} = 1$ and $\sqrt{2(x – y)^2 + 10x – 6y + 12} – \sqrt{y} = \sqrt{x + 2}$.

cauchy-schwarz-inequalityradicalssystems of equations

Solve the following system of equations $$\large \left\{ \begin{align} \sqrt{y^2 – 8x + 9} – \sqrt[3]{xy – 6x + 12} = 1\\ \sqrt{2(x – y)^2 + 10x – 6y + 12} – \sqrt{y} = \sqrt{x + 2}\end{align} \right.$$

This system of equations uses inequalities to solve. The following solution is not created by me, as I would have had a different approach to the problem.

Best Answer

Let $x' = x + 1$ and $y' = y - 1$, the system of equations becomes

$$\left\{ \begin{align} \sqrt{y'^2 - 8x' + 2y' + 18} - \sqrt[3]{x'y' - 5x' - y' + 17} = 1\\ \sqrt{2(x' - y')^2 + 2x' + 2y' + 4} - \sqrt{y' + 1} = \sqrt{x' + 1}\end{align} \right.$$

Solving the second equation, we have that $$\sqrt{2(x' - y')^2 + 2x' + 2y' + 4} \ge \sqrt{2[(x' + 1) + (y' + 1)]} \ge \sqrt{x' + 1} + \sqrt{y' + 1}$$

The equality sign occurs when $x' = y'$. Substituting $x' = y'$ into the first equation, we have that

$$\sqrt{x'^2 - 6x' + 18} - \sqrt[3]{x'^2 - 6x' + 17} = 1$$

Let $\sqrt[3]{x'^2 - 6x' + 17} = t (t \ge 2)$, we have that $$\sqrt{t^3 + 1} - t = 1 \iff \sqrt{t^2 - t + 1} = \sqrt{t + 1} \iff t^2 - 2t = 0 \implies t = 2$$

$$x'^2 - 6x' + 9 = 0\implies x' = y' = 3 \implies (x, y) = (2, 4)$$.

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