Solve the system of equations: $32y+32x^3=6x+17$, $16z+32y^3=6y+9$, $8x+32z^3=6z+5$ where $x,y,z\in \mathbb{R}$

algebra-precalculuscontest-mathlinear algebrareal numberssystems of equations

Solve the system of equations: $$\begin{cases} 32y+32x^3=6x+17 \\16z+32y^3=6y+9 \\8x+32z^3=6z+5 \end{cases}$$ where $x,y,z\in \mathbb{R}$ (Bulgaria 1960)

I attempted to solve this question as follows:




Here it started getting very complex, and hence I don't think it can be solved this way. After this I tried doing something similar with the other two equations, but once again it was ending up way too complex. It is obvious that the solution is $x=y=z=\frac{1}{2}$, but I can't manage to prove it. Could you please explain to me how to solve this question?

Best Answer

Just for simplicity's sake, make a change of variables $$(a,b,c) = (2x,2y,2z)$$ We have the system of equations \begin{align} 16b + 4a^3 &= 3a+17 \\ 8c + 4b^3 &= 3b+9 \\ 4a + 4c^3 &= 3c+5 \\ \end{align} or \begin{align} 16(b-1) &= - 4a^3+3a+1 \\ 8(c-1) &= - 4b^3+3b+1 \\ 4(a-1) &=-4c^3+ 3c+1 \\ \end{align} or \begin{align} 16(b-1) &= - (a-1)(4a^2+4a+1) \tag{1}\\ 8(c-1) &= - (b-1)(4b^2+4b+1) \tag{2}\\ 4(a-1) &=-(c-1)(4c^2+4c+1) \tag{3}\\ \end{align}

Suppose $b >1$ then from $(1)$: $a<1$ $\implies$ from $(3)$: $c>1$ $\implies$ from $(2)$: $b>1$ $\implies$ contracdiction!

Same for $b <1$, we have also a contradiction.

For $b=1$, we have $c =1$ and $a =1$.

Conclusion: the system of equations has a unique solution $(a,b,c) = (1,1,1)$ or $$(x,y,z) = \left(\frac{1}{2},\frac{1}{2},\frac{1}{2} \right)$$

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