Solve the congruence equation $6x+y \equiv 19 \pmod {26}$

modular arithmetic

I have the congruence equation:

$$6x+y \equiv 19 \pmod{26}$$

One way to solve it is to start from:

$$y \equiv 19-6x \space \pmod{26}$$

and try all the $y\in \left \{ 0,\dots,25 \right \}$.
However my book states that there exist only $12$ possibilities for $x$, so I think the congruence equation
$6x+y \equiv 19 \pmod{26}$ can be simplified.
However I didn't succeed in doing it, can you help me?

Best Answer

$6x+y-19$ is to be divisible by $26$

hence $6x+y\equiv19\pmod2$

$\implies y\equiv1\pmod2$

If $y=2z+1, 6x+2z+1\equiv19\pmod{26}$

$\iff z\equiv9-3x\pmod{13}$