Solvable quotients imply quotient of intersection is solvable


This is a question from an exam in an undergraduate group-theory course:

Given a group $G$ and normal subgroups $N,K\trianglelefteq G$ such that $G/K,G/N$ are solvable, prove that $G/(K\cap N)$ is also solvable.

I have seen a partial solution that uses the finite lengths of the derived series' of $G/K$ and $G/N$ (let's call them $n$ and $m$) to show $G^{(m+n)}\leq K\cap N$ and then used the third isomorphism theorem, but it was very unclear and I couldn't understand how to construct a normal series that would show that $G/(K\cap N)$ is indeed solvable.

Best Answer

Hint: $G/(K \cap N)$ can be homomorphically embedded in $G/K \times G/N$. And use that a product of solvable groups is again solvable and that subgroups of solvable groups are again solvable.