Solutions of the differential equation $\dot{x}^2-2x=1$

calculusordinary differential equations

I am studying how to solve certain nonlinear differential equations and am currently trying to solve the equation $\dot{x}^2-2x=1$, where $x$ is a function of $t$, with initial condition $x(1)=1$. My method is as follows:

Solving for $x$ in this equation gives $x=\frac{1}{2}(\dot x-1)$. Let $p=\dot x$, then differentiating with respect to $t$ gives $\frac{d}{dt}x=\dot x=\frac{d}{dt}\frac{1}{2}(\dot x-1)=\frac{1}{2}(2\ddot x\dot x)$ by chain rule, so we get the first-order differential equation $p=pp'$. If $p\equiv0$ then we get the solution $x(t)\equiv C$. Otherwise, dividing by $p$ gives $p'=1$, so $p=t+c_1$ and $x=\frac{t^2}{2}+c_1t+c_2$.

Plugging back into the original equation:

Now applying the initial condition $x(1)=1$:


Solving this equation for $c_2$ I get $c_2=-\left(\sqrt5+\frac 5 2\right)$ and $c_2=\sqrt5-\frac 5 2$. Therefore, the solution is

$$x(t)=\frac{t^2}{2}\pm \sqrt{1+2(\frac 5 2\pm\sqrt5)}-\frac{5}{2}\pm\sqrt5$$

But according to WolframAlpha the solutions are $$x(t)=\frac{1}{2}\big(t^2\pm2(1+\sqrt3)t\mp(2\sqrt3)+3\big)$$

Where am I going wrong in my approach? Did I make an algebraic mistake or is there something more deeply wrong with this method?

Best Answer

It should be $c_1=\pm\sqrt{1+2c_2}$.

(BTW, I would solve this from $\dot{x}=\pm\sqrt{1+2x}$ and then separate the variables.)

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