Solutions mod p of the equation $x^4-17=2y^2$

diophantine equationsmodular arithmetic

I'm trying to prove that for every $p$ there are solutions $\pmod{p}$ for this equation. I've tried to follow this answer: Show that the congruence $x^4 – 17y^4 \equiv 2z^2 \pmod p$ has non-trivial solutions for all primes $p$.

The equation is a bit different, and I have problem in the third point because I can't find a solution when $-34 \equiv a^2 \pmod{p}$ for some $a$. Can anyone help me? Thanks!

Best Answer

If $p$ is an odd prime and $-34\equiv a^2\pmod{p}$ for some $a$ then $$0^4-17\equiv2\left(\tfrac{a}{2}\right)^2\pmod{p}.$$

The linked question gives solutions to the congruence $$a^4-17b^4\equiv2c^2\pmod{p},$$ for every prime number $p$. Moreover, all solutions given there have $b\not\equiv1\pmod{p}$. So for $$x\equiv ab^{-1}\pmod{p} \qquad\text{ and }\qquad y\equiv cb^{-2}\pmod{p},$$ we have the following chain of congruences mod $p$: $$x^4-17\equiv a^4b^{-4}-17\equiv b^{-4}(a^4-17b^4)\equiv b^{-4}(2c^2)\equiv 2(cb^{-2})^2\equiv2y^2\pmod{p}.$$ This shows that every solution $(a,b,c)$ to the linked question with $b\not\equiv0\pmod{p}$ yields a solution $(x,y)=(ab^{-1},cb^{-2})$ to your question.

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