Solution to a definite integral as $\int_0^{1}(x^{m}\left(1+x)^{n}dx\right)$

binomial-coefficientscalculusdefinite integralsintegration

While solving a question based on Binomial series, I encountered a definite integral as : $$\int_0^{1}(x^{m}\left(1+x)^{n}dx\right)$$ where $m,n$ are natural numbers.
My approach : wrote the above expression in two ways (1)- $$\int_0^1\sum_{r=0}^n \binom{n}{r} \left( {x}\right)^{m+r}dx $$ and also as (2)- $$\int_0^1\sum_{r=0}^m \binom{m}{r} \left(-1)^{r}( {1+x}\right)^{m+n-r}dx$$ and tried to solve using both the above mentioned expressions. Did some other simplification of expression (1) , But was unable to proceed further. Can anyone guide me to a "general answer based on any m,n" ? Any help would be highly appreciated. Thanks in advance.!

Best Answer

$$I=\int_0^{1}x^{m}\,(1+x)^{n}\,dx$$ Let $x=-y$ to face the beta function $$I=(-1)^m \int_0^{-1}y^{m}\,(1-y)^{n}\,dy=(-1)^m\, B_{-1}(m+1,n+1)$$