Solution for $u_t+u_x=0$ using characteristics

characteristicslinear-pdepartial differential equations

P. Dravek and G. Holubova, Elements of Partial Differential Equations, Section 3.4 Exercise 22:

Show that the initial value problem
$$u_t + u_x = 0,\; u(x,t) = x \;\text{ on }\; x^2+t^2=1.$$

has no solution. However, if the initial data are given only over the
semicircle that lies in the half-plane $x + t \leq 0$, a solution
exists but is not differentiable along the characteristics coming from
the two end points of the semicircle.

I managed to show the first part. As for the second part, any hints?

Best Answer

A graphical representation of the problem in the $x$-$t$ plane may be relevant (see this post). The method of characteristic provides the set of lines $x=t-t_0+x_0$ along which $u$ is constant. Here, the value $u=x_0$ is specified along the unit circle ${x_0}^2+{t_0}^2=1$. Characteristics coming from the region $x_0+t_0< 0$ of the unit circle will cross the circle again in the region $x_0+t_0 >0$ where another boundary-value is specified. Hence, the problem is ill-posed.

To avoid this, we restrict the boundary data to the region $x_0+t_0\leq 0$ of the unit circle. One should note that characteristic curves become parallel to the unit circle at the extremities of this half-circle. To see what happens, we express the characteristic curves as $x-t-x_0=-t_0$ with $t_0=\pm\sqrt{1-{x_0}^2}$. Squaring this identity, we have $$ (x-t)^2 -2x_0(x-t) + {x_0}^2=1-{x_0}^2 $$ so that $$ x_0 = \frac{x-t \pm \sqrt{2-(x-t)^2} }{2} = u(x,t), $$ for $t-\sqrt{2} \leq x\leq t+ \sqrt{2}$. At the extremities of the domain, we have $x-t = \pm\sqrt{2}$. Differentiating the expression of $u$ along these curves would require to differentiate a square root in the vicinity of zero, which is not possible.