So this function is weird.


In the Desmos graphing calculator, I plugged in the equation $x^y=y^x$, and this appears.

I know that the red line represents the entire function, but honestly, calling it two lines seems pretty reasonable to me. So, first question. If you look at the two other functions, they meet at coordinates (e,e). This also happens to be where the two red lines meet. The first question is why e, out of all numbers.

Or, at least, they seem to converge there. Zoom in far enough and you get these.

Explanations, anyone?

Best Answer

Taking the logarithm, the equation can be rewritten

$$\frac {\ln x}x=\frac {\ln y}y.$$

Let $f(x):=\dfrac{\ln x}x$. This function is not invertible, but can be split in two invertible sections, which are separated by a maximum, at

$$f'(x)=\frac1{x^2}-\frac{\ln x}{x^2}=0,$$ i.e. $x=e$. The is where $e$ appears. The complete graph of the curve is given by the two functions

$$y=f_<^{-1}\left(f(x)\right)=f_<^{-1}\left(\frac {\ln x}x\right)$$and $$y=f_>^{-1}\left(f(x)\right)=f_>^{-1}\left(\frac {\ln x}x\right)$$ where the subscripts denote the two branches.

Observe that

$$x<e\implies y=f_<^{-1}\left(\frac {\ln x}x\right)=x$$ and $$x>e\implies y=f_>^{-1}\left(\frac {\ln x}x\right)=x$$ and this corresponds to the linear part. The curvy part corresponds to the reversed inequalities.

Now you can undertand why the double point is found at $x=y=e$.

For a better understanding, let us consider a similar situation, starting from


This time we can invert $f(x)=x^2-2x$, using

$$z=f(y)=y^2-2y\iff y=f_{</>}^{-1}(z)=1\pm\sqrt{1+z}.$$

From this, with $z=x^2-2x$,

$$y=1\pm\sqrt{x^2-2x+1}=1\pm(x-1).$$ we have the two straight lines $y=x$ and $y=2-x$. By intersection, the double point is $x=y=1$.

Notice that the maximum of $f(x)$ is achieved for $x=1$, where the two branches meet.