Smooth proper connected curve over a field is projective


I have the following question: In this answer is remarked that
to show that a smooth proper connected curve $X$ over a field $k$ is projective
we may assume to work over $\overline{k}$.

Why can one make this assumption? And aside from that if we assume we are
working over $\overline{k}$ and follow the presented proof where it makes use of
this assumption?

Best Answer

The proof given in the link does not need algebraic closure of $k$ - the key steps in the proof are that normalization over a field is a finite morphism, finite morphisms are projective, and the curve to projective extension theorem, none of which use any properties of the base field.

To explain why one can show the claim for $k=\overline{k}$, one may use descent - this is basically the inverse of "stable under base change", where instead of saying "if $f:X\to S$ has property $P$, then the base change $X\times_S S' \to S'$ along $S'\to S$ also has property $P$", we ask the question "if $X\times_S S'\to S'$ has property $P$, must $f$ have property $P$?". It turns out that when $S'\to S$ is nice (in our case, faithfully flat and quasi-compact) that many convenient properties of morphisms, like being a closed immersion, descend. See Stacks 02L6 or EGA IV2, somewhere around 2.7.