Smash product of CW complexes


I'm studying algebraic topology and I'm using Hatcher's book. There, he talks about the smash product of CW-complexes:

Given two CW-complexes $X$ and $Y$ and two points $x_0 \in X$ and $y_0 \in Y$, the wedge product $X \vee Y$ is the CW-complex in which $x_0$ and $y_0$ are identified, that is $$X \vee Y = \frac{X \sqcup Y}{\{x_0, y_0\}}.$$ The smash product of $X$ and $Y$ is the CW-complex $$X \wedge Y = \frac{X \times Y}{X \vee Y}.$$

Is there a good way to see intuitively what's happening in the smash product? Hatcher describes it as "collapsing away the parts that are not genuinely a product, the separate factors of $X$ and $Y$" but I'm struggling to understand this statement.

Best Answer

The best way to understand the smash product is by its universal properties. One comes from its expression as a quotient. A map $X \times Y \rightarrow Z$ factors through $X \wedge Y$, if and only if, $X \vee Y \subset X \times Y$ is mapped to a single point. This is a useful criterion to create maps out of smash products.

Another useful universal property smash products have is that they satisfy something like a tensor-hom adjunction in the category of pointed spaces. We have $\operatorname{Map_*}(X \wedge Y , Z) \cong \operatorname{Map}(X, \operatorname{Map}(Y,Z))$. This follows from the usual adjunction between product and hom in the unpointed category plus the universal property in the pragraph above, or explicitly $((x,y) \rightarrow f(x,y)) \rightarrow (x \rightarrow (y \rightarrow f(x,y)))$. So from this perspective, the smash product is just the thing that is adjoint to pointed mapping spaces. This is a very important perspective, for example it leads us to studying loop spaces, because maps from a suspension to $Z$ are the same as maps from the original space to $\Omega Z$. From there, one is very close to discovering Puppe sequences, one of the most important results in elementary algebraic topology.

For the record, some people mistakenly say that smash product is the categorical product in the category of pointed spaces. This is wrong. In fact, the categorical product is still the normal product of spaces. Perhaps what causes this confusion for people is that in the category of sets, the categorical product is also the adjoint to hom, but this is not true in general as we've shown.

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