Smallest positive integer that when divided by 23 has 20 as remainder and 34 remainder when divided by 41.


The textbook that I'm using explicitly says to solve it without using the Chinese remainder theorem(or modular arithmetic for that case).

Any help/hint would be appreciated.

Edit: Upon reviewing the question, the book resolution does in fact use the CRT despite it imposing the restriction(The error has already been reported to the professor). Nevertheless user's u/Ilovemath answer still stands and is greatly appreciated.

Best Answer

The sequence of numbers leaving remainder $34$ when divided by $41$ is $$34, 75, 116.....$$ which is an arithmetic progression with common difference $41$.

Similarly, the sequence of numbers leaving remainder $20$ when divided by $23$ is $$20, 43, 66....$$ which is also an arithmetic progression with common difference 23.

We need to find the smallest number common to both sequences.

If that number is the $mth$ term of first sequence and $nth$ of the second, $$34+(m-1)41=20+(n-1)23$$ Hence, we have $41m=23n+4$. Or $46m=23n+5m+4$.

From here, we observe that $5m+4$ should be divisible by $23$.

Smallest such $m$ is $13$. Hence the answer is $34+(13-1)41=526$.