Sketching the phase portrait for an initial value problem

dynamical systems

I solved an initial value problem and got the following:
So, the equilibrium point $(0,0)$ is of saddle nature.
Also $x(t)\rightarrow+\infty$ and $y(t)\rightarrow 0$ as $t\rightarrow\infty$

So the phase portrait should be like this:

Is it correct? Thanks for any response.

The original problem statement is:

Determine the nature of equilibrium point (0,0) of the system $\dot x=x+y, \dot y=4x-2y$ subject to the initial condition $(x(0),y(0))=(2,-3)$. Also sketch the phase portrait.

Best Answer

We have to determine the nature of equilibrium point $(0,0)$ of the system $$\begin{align} x' &= x+y\\ y' &=4x-2y \end{align}$$

subject to the initial condition $(x(0),y(0))=(2,-3)$ and sketch the phase portrait.

We can find the critical points as $(0,0)$ by simultaneously solving

$$x+y = 0\\ 4x-2y = 0$$

If we find the eigenvalues of

$$\begin{pmatrix} 1 & 1 \\ 4 & -2 \end{pmatrix}$$

We get $$\lambda_1 = -3, \lambda_2 = 2$$

This already tells us that we have a saddle-point, which is unstable.

When we solve this system, we get

$$\begin{align} x(t) &= e^{-3 t}+e^{2 t} \\ y(t) &= -4 e^{-3 t} + e^{2 t} \end{align}$$

If we draw a phase portrait and then superimpose the initial condition solution (red item), we get

enter image description here


If you mean, for

$$\begin{pmatrix} -3 & 0 \\ 0 & 2 \end{pmatrix}$$

We get

enter image description here

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