Sketch level curves of the form $f(x,y)= |x|+|y|$


I'm struggling to sketch the level curves of the equation $f(x,y)= |x|+|y|$
I know for finding the level curves you have to set $f(x,y) = C$ (with c a constant). But then I have the equation $|x|+|y|=C$.

So lets say $C=0$, then $|x|+|y|=0$, but how can I sketch this. Because both x and y are greater then zero, and they have to add up to 0, therefore x and y needs to be zero, but then I can't draw anything.

So lets say $C=1$,then $|x|+|y|=1$, but how can I sketch this. Can I say that $x + y= \pm1$, therefor $y=1-x$ and $y = 1+x$ (but $x$ can't be negative, so I don't know how do this problem.)

If you know the answer, it would be very much appreciated to help me

Thank you in advance.

Best Answer

If $|x|+|y|=1$, consider four possibilities:

  • $x,y\geqslant0$: then you just have $x+y=1$;
  • $y\leqslant0\leqslant x$: then you just have $x-y=1$;
  • $x,y\leqslant0$: then you just have $-x-y=1$;
  • $x\leqslant0\leqslant y$: then you just have $-x+y=1$.

So, your curve is a square, expressed as the union of $4$ line segments. To be more precise: it's the square whose vertices are $(\pm1,0)$ and $(0,\pm1)$.

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