Single variable calculus : Maximum rate of change : Trig functions


I have a calculus question which i will display here as an image:
enter image description here

I am interested to understand part (b) of this question.
I actually got the answer, but i feel i need more to understand how to determine the maximum just via second derivative.
If one takes the function P(t) and graphs it, you can see the largest value of the derivative happen to be on the Maxima of the graph of the derivative.
Now if one was to take the derivative of this graph then you would get that the maximum rate of change happens when the second derivative is zero, which means its at the Points of Inflection.
So it seems that for Trig functions the maximum rate of change happens at the points of inflection.
So this is how i analyzed it, but i feel there is a better way to explain this.

Hope to get further insight from others here on the forum.

Best Answer

When I think about the 2nd derivative, I imagine the tangent line to the curve at a point $x$ and let $x$ increase. The 2nd derivative tells you about the change in the slope of the tangent line. So if the 2nd derivative is positive, the slope is increasing and so the tangent line is rotating counter-clockwise (as $x$ increases.) Likewise a negative 2nd derivative shows that the tangent line is rotating clockwise.

An inflection point is a point where the tangent line crosses the graph and it's also a point where the rotation changes from clockwise to counter-clockwise, or vv.

So you get a maximum slope exactly when the rotation changes from CCW to CW. Which is exactly that the inflection points.

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