Simply connected imply any two paths are freely homotopic


I know that simply connected ($\pi_0(p)=0$ and path-connected) is equivalent to "the space is path-connected and any two paths with the same endpoints are homotopic". What about two paths with different endpoints? Does simply connectedness implies this?

My attempt: I can join the endpoints of two paths $\gamma_1, \gamma_2: [0,1] \to X$ by the path-connecteness assumpion. By being simply connected, I get a contractible loop, with $\gamma_1, \gamma_2$ being in its boundary. This should imply they are homotopic but I'm not sure how to prove this.

Best Answer

Any two paths in a path-connected space are freely homotopic.

To see this let $\gamma: x \rightarrow y$ and $\gamma‘:x‘\rightarrow y‘$ be two paths. Let $z$ be an arbitrary point and fix paths $\rho:z\rightarrow x$ and $\rho‘:z\rightarrow x‘$.

Then we can give a free homotopy $\gamma \sim \gamma‘$ by

  1. contracting $\gamma$ to the constant path at $x$
  2. moving this constant path along $\rho^{-1}$ and then $\rho$ to the constant path at $x‘$
  3. inflating the constant path at $x‘$ to be $\gamma‘$ (doing the reverse to the analogue of 1)

This is the reason, why homotopy relative endpoints / a subspace is really important for getting useful invariants!

Ps: Please don’t make me parametrize this.