Simplifying the boolean expression $AB+BC’D’+AC+AD$

algebra-precalculusboolean-algebradiscrete mathematicslogicpropositional-calculus

I'd like to simplify the expression
Logically, I understand why the AB term isn't needed, if both A and B are true, then at least one of the other terms will always be true, making the AB term redundant. However, I cannot for the life of me apply the laws of boolean algebra to actually simplify it.

Best Answer


The trick is notice that $A$ and $B$ implies $C$ and $C'$ and $D$ and $D'$ which is impossible, so we will use $C$ or $C'$ and $D$ or $D'$ to cancel that term, and the basic idea is use Identity law and Negation law: $$P=P(1)=P(Q+Q')$$


\begin{align} &AB+BC'D'+AC+AD\\ =&AB(1)+BC'D'+AC+AD\tag*{Identity law}\\ =&AB(C+C')+BC'D'+AC+AD\tag*{Negation law}\\ =&ABC+ABC'+BC'D'+AC+AD\tag*{Distributive law}\\ =&BAC+AC+ABC'+BC'D'+AD\tag*{Reordering}\\ =&AC+ABC'+BC'D'+AD\tag*{Absorption law}\\ =&AC+ABC'(1)+BC'D'+AD\tag*{Identity law}\\ =&AC+ABC'(D+D')+BC'D'+AD\tag*{Negation law}\\ =&AC+ABC'D+ABC'D'+BC'D'+AD\tag*{Distributive law}\\ =&AC+BC'AD+AD+ABC'D'+BC'D'\tag*{Reordering}\\ =&AC+AD+BC'D'\tag*{Absorption law}\\ \end{align}

If you have Consensus law:

\begin{align} &AB+BC'D'+AC+AD\\ =&AB+BC'D'+A(C+D)\tag*{Distributive law}\\ =&AB+BC'D'+A(C'D')'\tag*{De Morgan's law}\\ =&BC'D'+A(C'D')'\tag*{Consensus law}\\ =&BC'D'+A(C+D)\tag*{De Morgan's law}\\ =&BC'D'+AC+AD\tag*{Distributive law}\\ \end{align}