Simplifying Fractions Involving Large Numbers


I am doing a lesson on simplifying fractions and the lesson said to find the GCD (Greatest Common Divisor). If the fraction is large, factoring both the top and bottom numbers would be very time consuming. So what is the easiest/simplest way of factoring large numbers? Ex: $$\frac{5,692}{84}$$

You could just go and check all numbers for divisibility but with large numbers that takes a long time. You could also use factoring tree but that does not always catch all of the factors and takes up a lot of space. What is the quickest way of factoring these types of numbers? Or is their a easier way of simplifying fractions than finding the GCD ?

Best Answer

One way is to divide the numerator and denominators by common factors (you do not need to compute the GCD explicitly). For example, $$\frac{5692}{84} = \frac{2\times2846}{2\times42} = \frac{2846}{42} = \frac{2\times1423}{2 \times 21} = \frac{1423}{21}.$$

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