Simplify $((p\lor(r\lor q))\land\neg(\neg q\land\neg r)$ using logic laws

discrete mathematicspropositional-calculus

I have to simplify this statement

$((p\lor (r\lor q))\land\neg(\neg q\land\neg r)$ as much as I can the answer is $q\lor r $

and I know the laws and the order in which they should be applied

The first law that should be used is de Morgans however I don't understand the steps and how would the expression look after the execution of each
Help me understand this it's pretty confusing

Best Answer

The given statement has one more opening parenthesis than closing parenthesis .... but I'll go with:

$(p\lor (r\lor q))\land \neg(\neg q\land\neg r)$

OK, like you said, DeMorgan seems like a good first step:

$(p\lor (r\lor q))\land (\neg\neg q\lor \neg \neg r)$

Two double negations gives:

$(p\lor (r\lor q))\land(q\lor r)$

By Commutation:

$(p\lor ( q \lor r))\land(q \lor r)$


$q \lor r$

Unfortunately, some textbooks do not give you Absorption. If not, you can do:

$(p \lor (q \lor r)) \land (q \lor r)$


$(p \lor (q \lor r)) \land (\bot \lor (q \lor r))$


$(p \land \bot) \lor (q \lor r)$


$\bot \lor (q \lor r)$


$q \lor r$

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