Simplest Way to Find Volume of Solid of Revolution Around Given Line

calculusintegrationsolid of revolutionvolume


I would like to know the simplest way to find the volume of the solid of revolution created by rotating the parabola $y=x^2$ around the line $y=x$ (the shape shown in blue below). I am currently taking AP BC Calculus as a junior in high school, so a method that uses those concepts would be ideal, but if it is far simpler to use some higher math, I will look into it 🙂

enter image description here

The following is what I have tried using a variation of the disk method. I believe that is correct, but, as the reader can see, it is very complex.

My Method

To employ the disk method, first, derive a function for the radius of the solid as a function of $x$ along $y=x$. Then, square it and multiply by $\pi$. Lastly, integrate on the interval $[0,\sqrt{2}]$.

Begin by constructing a line perpendicular to $y=x$ that intersects $y=x$ (occationally $f(x)$) and $y=x^2$ (occationally $g(x)$) at $(x_2,y_2)$ and $(x_1,y_1)$, respectively (as shown below).

enter image description here

Use the distance formula to find the distance between these points.

\color{gray}{y} &\color{gray}{=} \color{gray}{-x+2x_2}\\
y &=x



\color{gray}{y} &\color{gray}{=} \color{gray}{-x_1+2x_2}\\
\color{gray}{y} &\color{gray}{=} \color{gray}{-x_1+2x}\\
y &={x_1}^2



Find the variables in the distance formula as functions of $x$ (Eqns. 2-5 with derivations listed above them, respectively).


Plug Eqns. 2-5 into the distance formula.


Simplify Eqn. 6.


Dilate Eqn. 7 by $\sqrt{2}$ in the x-direction to make the distance between the functions x-intercepts equal to the distance between the two intercepts of $f(x)$ and $g(x)$. Simplify to give Eqn. 8. Note that the graph of Eqn. 8 from $[0,\sqrt{2}]$ (below in green) compares to the reflection over the x-axis of the final equation for a parabola rotated 45 degrees given by Ennar (below in red), as it should.

enter image description here
Graph from Desmos.

Integration by parts work (for below):
$$\color{red}{\int\big(\sqrt{2}x+1\big)\sqrt{1+4\sqrt{2}x} \ dx}$$
\mathbf{u=\sqrt{2}x+1},\ \mathbf{dv=\sqrt{1+4\sqrt{2}x} \ dx}\\
\frac{du}{dx}=\sqrt{2} & \int dv=\int\sqrt{1+4\sqrt{2}x}\ dx\\
\mathbf{du=\sqrt{2}\ dx} & v=\int\sqrt{w}\ \frac{dw}{4\sqrt{2}}\\
& v=\frac{1}{4\sqrt{2}}\int\sqrt{w}\ dw\\
& v=\frac{1}{4\sqrt{2}}\times\frac{w^\frac{3}{2}}{\frac{3}{2}}\\
& v=\frac{2}{12\sqrt{2}}w^\frac{3}{2}\\
& \mathbf{v=\frac{1}{6\sqrt{2}}\big(1+4\sqrt{2}x\big)^\frac{3}{2}}\\

&=uv-\int v \ du\\
&=\big(\sqrt{2}x+1\big)\bigg(\frac{1}{6\sqrt{2}}\big(1+4\sqrt{2}x\big)^\frac{3}{2}\bigg)-\int \bigg(\frac{1}{6\sqrt{2}}\big(1+4\sqrt{2}x\big)^\frac{3}{2}\bigg)\big(\sqrt{2}\ dx\big)\\
&=\frac{1}{6\sqrt{2}}\big(\sqrt{2}x+1\big)\big(1+4\sqrt{2}x\big)^\frac{3}{2}-\frac{1}{6}\int \big(1+4\sqrt{2}x\big)^\frac{3}{2}\ dx\\
&=\frac{1}{6\sqrt{2}}\big(\sqrt{2}x+1\big)\big(1+4\sqrt{2}x\big)^\frac{3}{2}-\frac{1}{6}\int w^\frac{3}{2}\ \frac{dw}{4\sqrt{2}}\\
&=\frac{1}{6\sqrt{2}}\big(\sqrt{2}x+1\big)\big(1+4\sqrt{2}x\big)^\frac{3}{2}-\frac{1}{24\sqrt{2}}\int w^\frac{3}{2}\ dw\\

V&=\int_0^\sqrt{2}\pi\sqrt{x^2+3\sqrt{2}x-\big(\sqrt{2}x+1\big)\sqrt{1+4\sqrt{2}x}+1}^2 \ dx\\
&=\int_0^\sqrt{2}\pi x^2+3\pi \sqrt{2}x-\pi \big(\sqrt{2}x+1\big)\sqrt{1+4\sqrt{2}x}+\pi \ dx\\
&=\int_0^\sqrt{2}\pi x^2 \ dx+\int_0^\sqrt{2}3\pi \sqrt{2}x \ dx-\int_0^\sqrt{2}\pi \big(\sqrt{2}x+1\big)\sqrt{1+4\sqrt{2}x} \ dx+\int_0^\sqrt{2}\pi \ dx\\
&=\pi\int_0^\sqrt{2}x^2 \ dx+3\pi \sqrt{2}\int_0^\sqrt{2}x \ dx-\pi \color{red}{\int_0^\sqrt{2}\big(\sqrt{2}x+1\big)\sqrt{1+4\sqrt{2}x} \ dx}+\pi\int_0^\sqrt{2}dx\\
&=\pi\bigg[\frac{x^3}{3}\bigg]_0^\sqrt{2}+3\pi \sqrt{2} \bigg[\frac{x^2}{2}\bigg]_0^\sqrt{2}-\pi \bigg[\frac{1}{60\sqrt{2}}\big(1+4\sqrt{2}x\big)^\frac{3}{2}\big(6\sqrt{2}x+9\big)\bigg]_0^\sqrt{2}+\pi[x]_0^\sqrt{2}\\

Using the disk method, integrate $\pi r^2$ from $[0,\sqrt{2}]$ with Eqn. 8 plugged in for $r$ with respect to $x$.


Frankly, the question does not seem that complicated, and the answer of $\frac{\pi\sqrt{2}}{60}$ is definitely pretty simple. I have to believe that there is a more concise way of solving this problem.

All thoughts/answers welcome, thanks!

Best Answer

For $0 < x < 1,$ consider the line segment from $(x,x^2)$ to $(x,x).$ Rotated around the line $y = x,$ this produces a finite conical "hat" with slant height $x - x^2$ and base radius $(x - x^2)/\sqrt2,$ so it has surface area $\pi(x - x^2)^2/\sqrt2.$

The solid is composed of a nested stack of these conical "hats." The volume element between the "hat" at $x$ and the "hat" at $x + dx$ is $\frac\pi{\sqrt2}(x - x^2)^2 dx,$ so we integrate $$ \int_0^1 \frac\pi{\sqrt2}(x - x^2)^2 dx = \frac\pi{\sqrt2}\left[\frac{x^5}5 - \frac{x^4}2 + \frac{x^3}3\right]_0^1 = \frac{\pi\sqrt2}{60}. $$

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