Simplest non-trivial group


In a textbook, I found an example for the simplest non-trivial group consisting of only 2 elements G={e,g} with $e$ being the neutral element.
The group is abelian and the Cayley table is given as

\cdot & e & g \\ \hline
e & e & g \\ \hline
g & g & e\\ \hline

I was wondering which kind of operator "$\cdot$ " can give rise to $g\cdot g=e$?

EDIT: Ok, got it. The table defines the operator. So $\cdot$ indeed corresponds to multiplication.
I guess I was just looking for an example for an element $g$ being its own inverse.

Best Answer

While applying group theory (and other aspects of abstract algebra) can be concrete, in general we don't care much about what $e, g$ and $\cdot$ actually are. They are two elements and a multiplication, and how the multiplication works is defined by the table. Then when you come across a concrete example that works like this, you can think "Oh, I know this group" without ever having seen those exact objects before. This is the power of abstraction.

So you can ask about whether this group appears in any kind of concrete, not-too-farfetched setting, and that's a perfectly fine question to ask. Actually, having a number of different representations of each of the most common groups is a good way to spot connections between mathematical objects that isn't at first obvious.

In this case, you have $\{1, -1\}$ with regular multiplication. You have the set of linear isometries of a line with composition as the operation. You have the subset $\{0^\circ, 180^\circ\}$ of rotations of the plane (or of a circle), with composition as the operation. You have the set $$ \left\{\begin{bmatrix}1&0\\0&1\end{bmatrix}, \begin{bmatrix}0&1\\1&0\end{bmatrix}\right\} $$ of matrices with matrix multiplication. You have the additive group of integers modulo $2$. And loads of others.

That being said, don't be afraid of the purely abstract notion either, because at times it is going to be the only thing you have. And if you're not used to working with it at that point, it's going to be tough.