Simple understanding about the functional derivative


I am studying about the functional derivative and found some specific examples and formulas for the energy and potential functionals used in physics.

These formulas, such as Coulomb potential energy functional, have the form as $F[\rho(r)] = \int f(\rho(r))dr$; that is, this is a local functional with respect to $r$.

For such functional derivative of $F$, is it enough to simply differentiate $f(\rho(r))$ in the integral?

My assumption may be different for more general functionals, but for such a simple local form of the functional, is this basically the right understanding?

Best Answer

Yes, this is a simple case. The variational differential is $$ \delta F[\rho] = \int f'(\rho(r)) \, \delta\rho(r) \, dr. $$

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